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101 Tips and Tricks to Overcome Writer’s Block

101 Tips and Tricks to Overcome Writer’s Block

Anybody, regardless of what they’re writing, a short story or a novel, will succumb to writer’s block. The frustration can be annoying, especially if the dateline is crawling around the corner. We at have came up with a list of tips, methods and strategies that anybody can use to kill off that dreaded stop sign.

An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design

An Introduction to the C Programming Language and Software Design

This textbook is a thorough introduction to the C programming language, with an emphasis on software design and code organisation. Many introductory textbooks teach language syntax but do not show how to apply the language features to build scalable modular software systems. This text attempts to fill the gap.

12 Popular Quotes by Authors to Ponder Upon and Read More

12 Popular Quotes by Authors to Ponder Upon and Read More

The treasure within a book does not just lie within the story-line, but the words, phrases, sentences, plots and many other uncountable aspects of it. We can’t list them all, definitely, but within this video, we list 12 of the most popular ones, and we’ll continue doing so to cover as many as we can.

Plastic Surgery Essentials for Students

Plastic Surgery Essentials for Students

The Essentials book has been written primarily for medical students, with constant attention to the thought – Is this something a student should know when he or she finishes medical school? It is not designed to be a comprehensive text, but rather an outline that can be read in the limited time available in a burgeoning curriculum. It is designed to be read from beginning to end.

Beauchamp’s Career

Beauchamp’s Career

A novel by George Meredith which portrays life and love in upper-class Radical circles and satirises the Conservative establishment. Meredith himself was inclined to think it his best novel, and the character Renée de Croisnel was his favourite of his creations.


Transcendenceby Christopher McKitterickNear-future cyberpunk/space opera/coming-of-age/new-wave philosophical action SF....

Mother in Law Day – 24 Free Marriage Ebooks

Well we don’t there are free ebooks on “mother in laws” so we decided the best topic to dive into on this auspicious day is marriage. So here we go, slightly over 20 free ebooks on marriage for your reading pleasure. Have a good time with the family and happy reading!

126 Free Ebooks

126 Free Ebooks You can find downloadable free ebooks from this site, covering a large range of topics. If you have the time...

Nina Kimberly the Merciless

She’s on a mission, to kill the man who loves her. Why? Because he’s an idiot. Nina Kimberly the Merciless is a comic fantasy novel about the teenage daughter of a fearsome barbarian conqueror, originally produced in 2006 as a free podcast audiobook.


Mindgrinderby Brendan CoxAn experimental horror story about a group of flatmates who have what they describe as a ghost...

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