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A year or so before the beginning of World War I, a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria is seduced by a white magician, Cyril Grey, and persuaded into helping him in a magical battle with a black magician and his black lodge.

Tomorrow Project Anthology: Dark Futures

Tomorrow Project Anthology: Dark Futures

The title of this collection, Dark Futures, acknowledges one of the most important roles that science fiction can play: warning us of the pitfalls and hazards ahead. The future is full of uncertainty and risk, but it takes a good story to push us from apathy to action.

The Truth Machine

The Truth Machine

About a genius who invents an infallible lie detector. Soon, every citizen must pass a thorough test under a Truth Machine to get a job or receive any sort of license.

Catholic Discussion of Seventh-day Adventism

Catholic Discussion of Seventh-day Adventism

This ebook is one Catholic’s study of Adventist claims, the Bible, and the Catholic Church. It attempts to show the biblical basis for Christianity’s abandonment of the Old Testament sabbath, the biblical basis for Sunday observance, and takes a look at other pertinent topics relating to Adventism and Catholicism.

(Video) 10 Tips on How to Start and Run a Book Club

In this video, we’ll share with you on how you can start, plan, manage, celebrate, and run a book club the proper way. If you’re currently in one, or planning to start one, feel free to share your thoughts on this matter.

The Zen Experience

The Zen Experience by Thomas Hoover Beginning with Indian Buddhism and Chinese Taoism it shows Zen as it was created by the...

The Practical Astronomer

Comprise of illustrations of light and colours, practical descriptions of all kinds of telescopes, the use of the equatorial-transit, circular, and other astronomical instruments.

First Lensman

The novel chronicles the founding of the Galactic Patrol by Virgil Samms, the first sentient being in our cosmos to wear the ‘Lens’, a unique badge of authority which is actually a form of ‘pseudo-life’ that grants telepathic powers to the defenders of Civilization.

Ades Web Magazine

Ades Web Magazine was created in early 2010 having the goal of spreading photographic travel monographs in order to educate...

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