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Spell of Catastrophe: The Dance of Gods #1

Spell of Catastrophe: The Dance of Gods #1

For a change, Max was not actually on the run, which is to say that he didn’t think anyone in particular was after him. Of course, his perception (which happened to be wrong) did not materially change the situation. He did indeed have a pursuer, and later that night the pursuer caught up.

(Video) 10 Books You Must Read Once In Your Life

(Video) 10 Books You Must Read Once In Your Life

Every reader out there, new or old, has that unstoppable urge of searching for the best books to read. We’ll try to help you on that matter, and list 10 of the must-reads, assuming that you haven’t read any of them.

Who Am I?

Who Am I?

There is more to life than just living. There has got to be more to life than to just live. There should be a higher purpose in life. The purpose of life is to come to the real answer of ‘Who am I?’

The Rhesus Factor

The Rhesus Factor

What neither know is that a stealth virus has quietly become a global pandemic; one that health authorities cannot stop. For this virus hasn’t emerged from an African jungle or a remote Chinese province, it’s come from within our own DNA.

How to Improve Your Focus and Get More Done in Less Time

Do you find yourself getting distracted and losing your focus? Without focus you can become impatient with yourself, anxious about things that aren’t getting done and unable to achieve tasks that need to be done.

Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë A poor governess Jane Eyre captures the heart of her enigmatic employer Edward Rochester. Jane...

Bodybuilding and Fitness

Bodybuilding and Fitness by "Bodybuilding and Fitness Supplement Guide" "Truly Huge Workout Journal" "Big Fat...

The Literature Network

"Literature is a textually transmitted disease, normally contracted in childhood." - Jane Yolen The Literature Network offers...


Zero-Optionby Lindsay BramblesYou can't be serious,' said Wethers, the first officer. 'Even doing skip jumps involves an...

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