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Monster At The End Of This Book

Monster At The End Of This Book

Grover is horrified to learn that there is a monster at the end of the book. He immediately begs the reader not to finish the book, so as to avoid meeting this dreadful scary monster.

Tales of Aria: The Awakening (Book 2)

Tales of Aria: The Awakening (Book 2)

In the second installment of the Tales of Aria series, Lucas sets off with his friends for Ivyvyne Village to perfect the art of elemental conjuring under the guidance of the famous Aalok Bonham. But it isn’t long after the group arrives in the quiet town that they make a startling discovery.

Eye of the Ocean Trilogy

Eye of the Ocean Trilogy

Thirty-five years ago, the Empress Cassa did ‘something’ and turned a good chuck of the palace – and herself – to granite. Of course, nobody thinks she’s really dead. And nobody thinks she’s still quite human either.

(Video) 40 Unique and Eye Catching Book Cover Designs

(Video) 40 Unique and Eye Catching Book Cover Designs

In this video, we’ve compiled 40 most unique and eye-catching book cover designs, for you to ponder, get that ideas flowing, generate some inspirations for next book project, or simply admire the creativity behind these book cover arts.

Roses of Doom

Roses of Doom by S.P. Wish When horror strikes, black roses are left behind. A camping trip leads quirky middle-schooler Mizu,...

Professional Web Typography

In this book, the goal is to prove that typesetting is fun and rewarding-not intimidating. Whenever applicable, Donny will share the process that helped him make the appropriate type selection for specific assignments in his work as examples for you to examine.

28 Free Fantasy Illustrations by Madison Bruffy

Aierowen Dickess has worked her way up through the ranks of the Astro Security. She is the first female to ever hold the post of Head of the Astro Security. Now she fights evil in all it’s forms in defense of her home world of Dragoon while raising a family at the same time. As “Arrow’s” family grows, so does the Alliance and the threats to it. Simple street crime is only the beginning…

Pregnancy: 18 Sites & Various Free Ebooks

"You never understand life until it grows inside of you." - Sandra Chami Kassis"The desire to procreate, in some, is so strong...

Beautiful Dreamer

Beautiful Dreamer by Barry Daniels Beautiful Dreamer tells of the search for Spiritual Meaning by Harry Murphy. Harry is a...

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