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The Printer’s Devil

The Printer’s Devil

Alan Bellman falls prey to a trap laid in the 17th century by wizard Roger Southwell. Though her husband becomes a helpless spirit-captive, the dead warlock’s long-laid plans are thrown into confusion by Alan’s wife, the other half of this 20th-century couple, who finds allies in unexpected places – Fabian and Katherine Stedman, two of the wizard’s 17th-century contemporaries.

The Monster Story Conference

The Monster Story Conference

Three men sit in a room. Their mission: by the end of the day, create a brand new science fiction adventure story, and it has to include monsters. Whose vision will be realized?

Senzo and the Sun

Senzo and the Sun

The morning sun creeps over the horizon and peeps through the leaves, waking Senzo. Gogo’s rooster shakes his wings, stretches his neck and crows, Koek-a-loek-a-loo! Join Senzo and the sun as they journey through the day.

Afterworld Book One: Ophelia

When Ophelia’s visions of a Victorian mystery reveal a secret that will change her future, she also discovers a love that was stronger than death. But is it too late to right the wrongs of the past?

The Decipherment

The Deciphermentby Rayan AliThe Decipherment is centered on Isabelle Aimery - a young and successful Parisian...

Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Presented by Paul W. Collins

Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare, Presented by Paul W. Collins by Paul W. Collins This is a novelization of the play...


Legends by Mel Keegan In an era of storm and chaos, One will be born who will command the Power, but the ancient magic that...

Agent to the Stars

Agent to the Starsby John ScalziThe space-faring Yherajk have come to Earth to meet us and to begin humanity's first...

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