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The Keepers (or The Momentum)

The Keepers (or The Momentum)

Follows the lives of two characters Lysei, to prevent humanity from self-destructing because of hyper-sexuality and all its consequences and Rikki as they come to terms of what is good and what is bad and what is going on in the world.



She wished she were back home in her bedroom, but with only one chapter left before she finished the geography book that her mother bought for her, along with several other books, at the start of the summer vacation, Leah was almost out of reading material and needed to go on this shopping trip.

Thicker Than Blood

Thicker Than Blood

The flip of a switch gives Joe, an ordinary mechanic, superhuman abilities. He discovers his new powers after his aunt saves his life with restricted nanites.

(Video) 15 Best Places To Be If You Love Books – Places That’ll Blow Your Mind

From a 100-year old theater converted into a library, to a personal library housing over 70,000 books. This is by no chance a complete list, but a pretty good start on where all bookworms can get their reading gears deployed. Perhaps a good bucket list?

Community Tips & Insights #10

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" - Helen Keller Books, ebooks and reading are more than just words....

Geek Out 3: Geek out on the Cloud-Based Infrastructure of Google Apps

Geek Out 3: Geek out on the Cloud-Based Infrastructure of Google Apps Learn how Google's global, multi-tenant infrastructure...


Septemberby Julia AverbeckWhat happens when you draw a word every day in September and let it inspire you to write a story...

The Call of Cthulhu

The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft Three independent narratives linked together by the device of a narrator discovering...

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