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The Goddess of Atvatabar

The Goddess of Atvatabar

A novel of the Haggard type. Lexington White, American, sails rom New York in the Polar King, bound to discover the North Pole. He unwittingly descends through a passage in the ice, and finally arrives in the Kingdom of Atvatabar, on an unknown continent.

Deadly Justice

Deadly Justice

Jerold Robbins is handsome, rich President of the United States and a Serial Killer. Eighteen women have been found floating in the Potomac. Their bodies slashed and weighted down with concrete blocks. Then the killing stops.

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

Lawrence had ordained that Prime Intellect could not, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. But he had not realized how much harm his super-intelligent creation could perceive, or what kind of action might be necessary to prevent it.

Extra Credit

Extra Creditby Larry LaForgeProfessor Nathan Carter seems caught in a time warp. He still thinks students should get only one...

The Iron in Blood

The Iron in Bloodby Jenny DoeRebecca Harding is an ordinary teenager whose DNA hides an extraordinary secret. A routine blood...

Foundations of Computer Science

A book to give beginning computer science majors a solid foundation for further study. It is also to give students who will not take advanced courses in computer science the conceptual tools that the field provides.

A Manufacturer’s Guide to Growing Profitably

Five success factors and five risks to prepare for. This eBook and research identify five key factors that growing manufacturers believe contributed to their business growth last year, and five risks that manufacturers believe may prevent or weaken growth in the following year.

No More Shyness

Shyness is an ever-increasing problem and fostered, many feel, by the technology available nowadays. Online dating, email, and...

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