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Evelyn’s Journal

Evelyn’s Journal

Evelyn is young, beautiful and rich. Finding a man to love should be easy. But being a vampire, and wanting to bite every man she gets close to, complicates matters.

What to Read? 3 Best Books To Read For A Beginner, Veteran and Expert from Each Genre – Part 4

Books have a preferred writing style that makes comprehension easy for readers who have mastered a certain level of fluency in reading a language. This post’s main objective is all about that – breaking down books into 3 distinctive levels (Beginner, Veteran and Expert) for all genres imaginable.

Stuck Inside

A book about Coronavirus lockdown in the United Kingdom written for young children to help them understand what is going on and why it’s important to stay indoors. Written and illustrated by parents of young children who were finding it hard to convey to them why we were having to stay indoors and away from friends and family.

235 Free Javascript Ebooks, Tools and Resources

This is a collection of must-have JavaScript resources. It covers free ebooks, online tutorials and references, videos, free newsletters and various other free tools as well as source codes. Suitable for those who are just starting out or seasoned experts who just want to explore further. We’ve also included some Twitter accounts of JS authors and developers, so you may want to check or follow them.

If Wishes Were Horses, They Would Go Extinct

Explore more of Geniuseene’s poems in this free ebook. Feel free to explore her free wallpapers and artwork. You can also support her by purchasing her art prints.

Construction Terms

Construction Termsby Sanjay SharmaIt is hoped that the book will be quite useful for the student of civil engineering....

What to Read?

Stories Unfold: Explore Books and Writing

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