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101 Inspiring Quotations

101 Inspiring Quotations

101 Quotations with thought-provoking comments is a book of over 100 outstanding quotations … well, to be honest, there are lots more than that, but I just loved the title! And I did try to trim it down to 101, but you know how it is, sometimes you find a quotation that’s just too good to leave out.

Jonathan’s Roundabout Adventures

Jonathan’s Roundabout Adventures

Jonathan is sitting up in his bed, enchanted by the carousel book, when it finally dawns on him that he is actually onboard a carousel. Seated in his chariot-bed, the carousel begins to move and the young boy is soon taken up in a whirlwind of wonderment.

The Last Lover of the Empress

The Last Lover of the Empress

The representative of the second wave of Ukrainian enlighteners generation in Russia. The son of priest from Volynian nobility. The member of saint Synod. Rostov metropolitan for 20 years (it’s the lightest period in the history of Rosrov). The Great preacher: he wrote 217 gospels.

Existential Terror and Breakfast

Existential Terror and Breakfast

Enter Malcolm Steadman: an overly anxious and polite every-man plagued by existential epiphanies with increasing regularity. He will fight a losing battle against routine and boring days as he slowly, but effectively, goes mad.

Benign Flame: Saga of Love

Benign Flame: Saga of Love

Benign Flame was born out of my conviction that for fiction to impact readers, it should be the soulful rendering of characters rooted in their native soil but not the hotchpotch of local and foreign caricatures sketched on a hybrid canvas.

Six days: The End of The World As We Know It

Six days: The End of The World As We Know It by Lorne Gifford Oil supply, dependence and future availability. A 90 minute...

2019 Web Almanac – HTTP Archive’s Annual State of the Web Report

Now you can download an ebook of the entire 2019 edition (for free). It’s 421 pages and 18 MB of solid research and analysis from trusted web experts packaged up for ergonomic e-reading.

(Video) How to Read More in Less Time and Enjoy the Benefits

If you’re planning to start reading soon, or already started but wish you could read more, rest assured it’s not at all as daunting as it might sound. In fact, all these outcomes came from doing small things every day over a long period. Build the habit slowly and you’ll get there soon enough. Happy reading!


Transcendenceby Christopher McKitterickNear-future cyberpunk/space opera/coming-of-age/new-wave philosophical action SF....

How to Find Lost Objects Free Ebook

In this practical yet entertaining work, the Professor shows how to track down anything that’s been misplaced. Keys, cash,...

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