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Cries from the Crypt

Short stories, never before released chapters from award-winning novels, advice for writers, book and film recommendations, author interviews and articles on horror.

Bass Fishing 101

Anybody who has been Bass fishing for sometime knows that it isn't easy when you're just starting out! I mean, GOOD...

The Perfect Author

Ved is an Indian Archaeologist. His life turns upside down when by fate, he gets his hands on an ancient Indian treasure. Just when he gets happy, he is shocked by the mysterious breath holding sequence of events.

57 Books That Are Widely Celebrated As The Top Eye-Opening Authoritarian Stories

Interestingly enough, authoritarianism is not applicable only to humans, but also to any form of entities which satisfy the above requirements – namely robots, aliens, overdeveloped artificial intelligence or supercomputers. These 57 books listed below are one of the top authoritarian / totalitarian stories out there.

Painting Primer

This book is about how I paint and what materials I use. It’s more important that you do it than what materials you do it with. There is very little that I use today that I used 50 years ago, of course things wear out and need to be replaced but I often replace them with different things. The moral of this story is to buy cheap until you know what you want. The best thing I can say about a hammer is that it takes a very long time to wear out.

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How Long It Took To Write Some of The Greatest & Most Popular Books?

How Long It Took To Write Some of The Greatest & Most Popular Books?

Find out how long did it take to write a few of the most popular books. We’ve covered 10 popular ebooks in this video, including the amount of words which were written. Of course there are way more than just 10 titles which can be covered, but we try to keep this video short and simple. For the record, the diversity of time taken by each author to complete each of their masterpiece is just tremendously huge.

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