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Fundamentals of Human Nutrition

Fundamentals of Human Nutrition

This wikibook is part of the UF Food Science and Human Nutrition Department course, Fundamentals of Human Nutrition. The instructor of this course has a PhD in human nutrition and works in both nutrition education and research. The aim of this textbook is to provide an open, trustworthy educational resource on international human nutrition. The instructor has taught at both the undergraduate and professional levels, with a strong emphasis on the incorporation of nutrition knowledge in health care and disease prevention. Their research expertise is in both nutritional biochemistry, community nutrition, and nutrition in higher education.

Our bodies contain similar nutrients to the food we eat. Therefore, depending on what kind of food we are consuming and the contents of that food, we are affecting our nutrient levels and over all, our health. On average, the human body is 6% minerals, carbohydrates, and other nutrients, 16% fat, 16% protein, and 62% water. Of course these percentages vary for every individual person depending on diet and lifestyle. Our bodies contain similar nutrients to the food we eat. Therefore, depending on what kind of food we are consuming and the contents of that food, we are affecting our nutrient levels and over all, our health.

Fundamentals of Human Nutrition

by (Online / E-text) – 16 chapters

Fundamentals of Human Nutrition  by