85 Free Writing, Biographies and Memoirs Ebooks

Anyone can write a book. It might be bad or be incomprehensible, but so what, it’s still a book and many published authors haven’t done any better. It simply means that anyone who puts in enough time can actually write well. Some of our best writing comes from ordinary people from all walks of life. Perhaps the biggest reason that writers fail is that too many writers compare themselves to others. Instead of developing their own voice and style, they try to emulate someone else who is doing well. The only way to become a better writer is through hard work and consistency. Join a writers’ group. Find people who are at the same point in their writing career as you and meet up regularly to read each other’s work and give one another feedback.
If you want to start your own writing career, make sure you are committed to it. In this post, we have compiled 85 free writing, biography, and memoir e-books, discussing topics such as academic writing, writing skills, biographies, and memoirs. The only way to become a better writer is through hard work and consistency. Join a writers’ group. Find people who are at the same point in their writing career as you and meet up regularly to read each other’s work and give one another feedback.
Academic Writing
- Exploring Perspectives: A Concise Guide to Analysis by Randall Fallows
- ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios by Katherine V. Wills, Rich Rice (eds)
- Copy(write): Intellectual Property in the Writing Classroom by Martine Rife, et al.
- Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing by Charles Lowe, Pavel Zemliansky
- Writing in College: From Competence to Excellence by Amy Guptill
- Teaching Autoethnography: Personal Writing in the Classroom by Melissa Tombro
- Reconnecting Reading and Writing by Alice S. Horning, Elizabeth W. Kraemer
- Originality, Imitation, and Plagiarism: Teaching Writing in the Digital Age by Caroline Eisner, Martha Vicinus
- Writing Better University Essays by Wikibooks
- Writing to Read: Evidence for How Writing Can Improve Reading by Steve Graham, Michael Hebert
- Online Technical Writing by David A. McMurrey
- Rhetoric and Composition by Matthew D. Barton
Writing Skill
- How To Write A Children’s Book by Katie Davis
- Basic Writing by George Otte, Rebecca Williams Mlynarczyk
- Fundamentals of Fiction Writing by Arthur Sullivant Hoffman
- The Art of Story Writing by Nathaniel C. Fowler
- How to Write a Novel by Grant Richards
- Write Good or Die by Scott Nicholson
- Basic Writing by Wikibooks
- How To Write Clearly: Rules and Exercises on English Composition by Edwin A. Abbott
- The Lure of the Pen by Flora Klickmann
- Short Story Writing by Charles Raymond Barrett
- Methods of Authors by Hugo Erichsen
- Rhymes and Meters: a practical manual for versifiers by Horatio Winslow
- How to Tell a Story and Other Essays by Mark Twain
- How to Speak and Write Correctly by Joseph Devlin
- The Century Handbook of Writing by Garland Greever, Easley S. Jones
- Word Study and English Grammar by Frederick W. Hamilton
- The Elements of Style by William Strunk, Jr.
- Write Your Life Story by Michael Oke
- Keywords in Creative Writing by Wendy Bishop, David Starkey
Biographies & Memoirs of Leaders & Politicians
- The Life and Teaching of Karl Marx by Max Beer
- An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments With Truth by Mohandas K. Gandhi
- The True Benjamin Franklin by Sydney George Fisher
- Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson by Thomas Jefferson
- Benjamin Franklin by John T. Morse Jr.
- George Washington Man and Monument by Cunliffe Marcus
Biographies & Memoirs of Writers
- Herman Melville, mariner and mystic by Raymond Melbourne Weaver
- Voltaire by John Morley
- The Last Days of Tolstoy by V. G. Chertkov
- The Man Shakespeare and his Tragic Life Story by Frank Harris
- Victor Hugo: His Life and Works by G. Barnett Smith
- Tolstoi as Man and Artist, with an Essay on Dostoievski by Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky
- Mark Twain’s Burlesque Autobiography by Mark Twain
- Dangerous Intimacy: The Untold Story of Mark Twain’s Final Years by Karen Lystra
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Historical Biographies & Memoirs
- Vitus Bering: the Discoverer of Bering Strait by Peter Lauridsen
- Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Henry Dana
- Border and Bastille by George A. Lawrence
- Who Was Who: 5000 B. C. to Date by Irwin L. Gordon
- Shattered Crystals by M.A. Kanner, E.R. Kugler
- A Voyage to the South Sea by William Bligh
- Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
- Nero by C. Suetonius Tranquillus
- Captain Cook: His Life, Voyages and Discoveries by W.H.G. Kingston
- Memoirs of the Life of Anne Boleyn, Queen of Henry VIII by Elizabeth Benger, Lucy Aikin
- The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln by Abraham Lincoln
- David Crockett: His Life and Adventures by John S. C. Abbott
- An American Engineer in Stalin’s Russia: The Memoirs of Zara Witkin by Zara Witkin
- Villehardouin and de Joinville: Memoirs of the Crusades by Geoffroi de Villehardouin
Military Biographies & Memoirs
- Human Bullets: A Soldier’s Story of the Russo-Japanese War by Tadayoshi Sakurai
- Military Career of Napoleon the Great by Montgomery B. Gibbs
- The Story of General Pershing by Everett Titsworth Tomlinson
- With the Help of God and a Few Marines by A.W. Catlin, W.A. Dyer
- The Great Adventure by Barry Allan
- A Sailor of King George by Captain Frederick Hoffman
- The Diary of a U-boat Commander by Sir William Stephen Richard King-Hall
- War’s Dark Frame by Wadsworth Camp
- Reconciliation Road: A Family Odyssey by John Douglas Marshall
- The Captives by James L. Cathcart, Jane B. Cathcart
- The Generalship of Ulysses S. Grant by J. F. C. Fuller
Scientific Biographies & Memoirs
- Michael Faraday by J. H. Gladstone
- The Art and Politics of Science by Harold Varmus
- Archimedes by Thomas Little Heath
- The Life of Sir Isaac Newton by David Brewster
- The Life of Pasteur by Rene Vallery-Radot
- Great Astronomers by Robert S. Ball
- Lord Kelvin by Andrew Gray
- Famous Men of Science by Sarah Knowles Bolton
- Charles Lyell and Modern Geology by Thomas George Bonney
- Zeppelin: The Story of a Great Achievement by Harry Vissering
- The Story of Euclid by W. B. Frankland
- Robert Fulton: Engineer and Artist by H. W. Dickinson
- Heisenberg: Uncertainty by David C. Cassidy
- Albert Einstein: Image and Impact by American Institute of Physics
- The Autobiography of Charles Darwin by Charles Darwin