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63 Free Elixir Ebooks, Resources, Tutorials and Videos

63 Free Elixir Ebooks, Resources, Tutorials and Videos
Elixir is a functional programming language built on the power of Erlang. Inheriting from Erlang, it is a language designed for distributed, concurrent, fault tolerant systems. Elixir, a dynamic, functional programming language, is designed for building scalable and maintainable applications with a simple, modern, and tidy syntax. Although it is easy to understand, Elixir’s approach to concurrency and its data type nuances require some getting used to.

Learning Elixir can make you a better programmer in other languages. There are a number of stories, from people who come from object-oriented languages, who found that the process of learning Elixir made them a better programmer in their language of choice. Learning the functional way of doing things will require some brain bending for anyone coming from procedural/oop languages, but I think anyone can get the hang of it. After that, I would say that elixir is easier than most languages, functional or otherwise.

The following are suggested readings and videos to learn about Elixir and Erlang. The readings provide more detailed information about the language and tutorials, while the videos are higher level about usage etc. There are also materials on specific Elixir topics, blogs / sites and podcasts. Have fun exploring and learning!

Starter Books

  1. Elixir School by Elixir School
    Elixir-School is an open and community driven effort inspired by Twitter’s Scala School. The site’s content consists of peer-reviewed lessons on various Elixir topics that range in difficulty. The lessons are currently available in over 10 languages to help make programming Elixir more accessible to non-English speakers.
  2. Elixir succinctly by Emanuele DelBono
    This is a introductionary book about Elixir and OTP, written to go straight to the point. Almost 100 pages to learn the language and the platform.
  3. Getting Started by Elixir
    Official Elixir starting guide that will take you through the language foundations. You will also explore how to build projects with Mix and OTP, and it will introduce you to more advanvced techniques suchs as meta-programming.
  4. Guide to an Elixir DOJO by Victor Oliveira Nascimento
    Guide to an Elixir DOJO.
  5. Joy of Elixir by Ryan Bigg
    Joy of Elixir came about because there was not very much when it comes to absolute beginner material for learning Elixir.
  6. Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good by Fred Hebert
    This book is for you if you’ve got some programming experience and if you’re not too familiar with functional programming. It can still be useful if you’re too good for that, as we progressively go into more and more advanced topics.

Advanced Books

  1. Elixir API by elx for BR
    Elixir / Phoenix
  2. Erlang In Anger by Fred Hebert
    This book intends to be a little guide about how to be the Erlang medic in a time of war. It is first and foremost a collection of tips and tricks to help understand where failures come from, and a dictionary of different code snippets and practices that helped developers debug production systems that were built in Erlang.
  3. Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot by Kamil Skowron
    Want to learn Elixir & OTP by creating a real-world project? With Hands-on Elixir & OTP: Cryptocurrency trading bot you will gain hands-on experience by working on an interesting software project. We will explore all the key abstractions and essential principles through iterative implementation improvements.
  4. The Erlang Runtime System by Erik Stenman
    The real goal with this book is to give you all the information, all the gory details, that you need in order to really understand the performance of your Erlang application.


  1. Awesome Elixir
  2. Discover Elixir & Phoenix
  3. Elixir Koans
  4. Elixir Radar Newsletter
  5. Elixir School
  6. Erlang Factory
  8. Joe Armstrong – A week with Elixir
  9. Reddit
  10. Stack Overflow


  1. DialyzerLink #1 / Link #2
  2. EctoLink #1
  3. ETS, Erlang in memory key-value storeLink #1 / Link #2 / Link #3
  4. ExDocLink #1
  5. ExUnitLink #1
  6. Flow, Elixir behaviorLink #1
  7. GenServerLink #1 / Link #2
  8. GenStageLink #1 / Link #2
  9. Phoenix On a Cluster of NodesLink #1
  10. Phoenix PresenceLink #1
  11. StreamsLink #1 / Link #2

Other Related Posts

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  2. Other Programming Ebooks
    Other free programming ebooks and resources previously posted on this site.

Blogs / Sites

  1. Bleacher Report
  2. Discord
  3. Dockyard
  4. Elixir Bridge
  5. Elixir Recipes
  6. Plataformatec
  7. Quick Examples
  8. ThoughtBot
  9. Today I Learned
  10. Zohaib
  11. Zorbash


  1. 18 Months of Elixir in Production at Bleacher Report
  2. 2017 José Valim Keynote on Elixir
  3. 2017 Phoenix Framework Keynote
  4. A Deep Dive into Binaries, lot of info on binaries
  5. Don’t Write Macros But Do Learn How They Work – Jesse Anderson
  6. Elixir and the Internet of Things – Doug Rohrer
  7. Exploring Elixir
  8. Genstage and Flow
  9. GOTO 2016 – Phoenix a Web Framework for the New Web – José Valim
  10. How we program multicores – Joe Armstrong
  11. Overview of performance for Elixir 1.5 (Erlang 20)
  12. Phoenix Channels – a Distributed PubSub and Presence Platform – Sonny Scroggin
  13. Solid Ground
  14. The Road to 2 Million Websocket Connections in Phoenix
  15. What every Node.js developer needs to know about Elixir – Bryan Hunter


  1. Running in Production by Nick Janetakis
    A podcast where folks talk about running small & large web apps in production. Topics include tech stacks, lessons learned and DevOps / deployment tips.

More Learning Resources

  1. Elixir documentation by Elixir School
    Documentation for Elixir, EEx, ExUnit, IEx, Logger and Mix.
  2. Elixir-koans by elixirkoans
    Elixir koans is a fun, easy way to get started with the elixir programming language. It is a tour of the most important features and idiomatic usage of the language.
  3. Exercism Elixir by Exercism
    Join Exercism’s Elixir Track for access to 151 exercises grouped into 52 Elixir Concepts, with automatic analysis of your code and personal mentoring, all 100% free.
  4. Phoenix documentation by Friedel Ziegelmayer
    Phoenix is a web development framework written in Elixir which implements the server-side Model View Controller (MVC) pattern.
  5. Starting with Elixir, the Study Guide by Rafael Rocha
    The main objective of this material is to show what I’ve been through so you can boost your learning in functional programming with Elixir and be able to start working as a full-time Elixir developer.