Event Horizon 2018

Each year, the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer honors a new writer in the science fiction and fantasy field: an author who has professionally published a short story or novel in the past two years. This year’s anthology contains 59 stories, and like last year’s edition, it’s free for the taking in ePub, MOBI, or PDF formats, while you can pick up a print edition for $15 on Amazon. Both editions will only be available through July 15th, 2018. In his introduction to the book, Kerr notes that each author was permitted to submit a single work, in an effort to make the anthology a slightly less overwhelming read. Despite that, it still tops out at just under 300,000 words.
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Title and Authors
- Devil’s Due by Percival Constantine
- Forestborn by Sylvia Heike
- A Question Of Faith by Tonya Liburd
- Shaman’s Quest by Kevin L. O’Brien
- Memories to Come by Paul Alex Gray
- Aspiration Value by Mike Reeves-McMillan
- Of Puddings and Prophecies by Helen French
- Dearly Departed by Kelly Stewart
- Cyborg Shark Battle (Season 4, O’ahu Frenzy) by Benjamin C. Kinney
- The Legendary Legend of the Darkly’s Slayer by J.R. Dawson
- The Invisible Box by J.J. Litke
- Termination Pending by Rachelle Harp
- Eyes That See Everything by Karen Bovenmyer
- Twisted Knots by D.A Xiaolin Spires
- The Heart is a Lonesome Hunter by Eugenia Triantafyllou
- The Fox, the Wolf, and the Dove by Ville Meriläinen
- Dragon’s Trail by Joseph Malik
- Spooky Action by David A. Kilman
- Granite Requires by TJ Berry
- Forgive Us Our Trespasses by Bennett North
- The Best Busker in the World by R. K. Duncan
- Like You, I am a System by Nathan Hillstrom
- Darner by Jonathan Laidlow
- First Date with the Hive by Gretchen Tessmer
- The Librarian by Andrew Kozma
- The Stars and the Rain by Emily McCosh
- London Calling by Philip A. Suggars
- Analog Signals by Shawn Proctor
- Fandom for Robots by Vina Jie-Min Prasad
- The Spark That Starts The Flame by Daniel Rosen
- These Constellations Will Be Yours by Elaine Cuyegkeng
- The Nine by Tracy Townsend
- I Remember Your Face by E. K. Wagner
- Old Teacups and Kitchen Witches Kate Baker
- The In Between Place by Kat Day
- A Matter of Interpretation by M. Elizabeth Ticknor
- Baby Teeth by Lina Rather
- The Awakening of Insects by Bobby Sun
- The Man in the Crimson Coat by Andrea Tang
- Outburst by B. Morris Allen
- Rushford Recapitulation by Christopher Mark Rose
- A Heart in the Hand by Jeremy M. Gottwig
- Moths To The Flame by Daniel Rosen
- A Glowing Heart by Anton Rose
- Demeter’s Regard by Deborah L. Davitt
- The Ghosts of Europa Will Keep You Trapped in a Prison You Make for Yourself by Matt Dovey
- The Lives Beneath by Katherine Inskip
- Abyssal by Lorraine Schein
- Starr Striker Should Remain Capitol City’s Resident Superhero by Keisha Cole
- 10th Grade Student by Amanda Helms
- Baro Porrajmos, or Love in the Vardo by Eileen Gunnell Lee
- Ora et Labora by Theodore McCombs
- An Equal Share of the Bone by Karen Osborne
- Phalium arium ssp anams by Victoria Sandbrook
- The Broken Karwaneer by Jeremy A TeGrotenhuis
- Seb Dreams of Reincarnation by Aimee Ogden
- Snail Mail by Steven Fischer
- The Arrow of Time by Kate Dollarhyde
- Think of Winter by Eleanna Castroianni