Curio Killed The Cat

Curio Killed The Cat
by Skyla Dawn Cameron
Curio Killed the Cat is an online serial (eSerial or ‘webnovel’) by award-winning author Skyla Dawn Cameron, and follows a group of quirky characters who work at an occult shop in Kensington Market, Toronto. Meet the employees (a lazy hoodoo spellcaster, a feminist succubus, and a snobbish Wiccan priest), their perpetually drunk (and confused) boss, and their strange customers, as they try to keep the shop from closing.
Billed as being ‘urban fantasy that’s more like The Office than Anita Blake’, Curio Killed the Cat is the author’s third venture into the world of free, serialized fiction, and will run concurrently with her other work, Children of the Apocalypse.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Curio Killed The Cat – 22 Chapters (eSerial / Webnovel – HTML), 172 pages, 1.6 MB (PDF)
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