Cultural Rehydration: A Laymen’s Guide to Dealing with Culture Shock

Cultural Rehydration: A Laymen’s Guide to Dealing with Culture Shock
by Dr. Gerald W. Anthony
If you are dehydrated, which is more important, to get out of the sun or to consume liquids? Much like the answer to this question, when faced with culture shock individuals are taught to choose between the two choices of, ‘their way’ or ‘my way.’ If one tries to confront dehydration or culture shock by choosing only one answer, that individual will be unsuccessful. Cultural Rehydration: A Laymen’s Guide to Dealing with Culture Shock is the first self-help book and workbook that combines a description of the subtle mercilessness of culture shock with a powerfully built, self-administrating treatment process.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Cultural Rehydration: A Laymen’s Guide to Dealing with Culture Shock – 46 pages, 143KB (PDF)
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