Bozo and The Story Teller

Bozo and The Story Teller
by Tom Glaister
You might not know it but you, everyone you know and the world itself are all but figments in the imagination of a Storyteller on another planet. Each night foolish creatures called Bloons gather around him to listen to the latest crazy antics of Hoomanity.
But it seems as though the Story itself has gotten out of control. The Hoomans appear set on a course of self-destruction and the Storyteller’s health is failing as a result.
A Bloon by the name of Bozo volunteers to enter the Story and the Storyteller writes in a boy called Theo to accompany him. Traveling the planet in search of a Cure, they seek the counsel of the Awakened Ones and are pursued by a terrible force they only know as the Enemy.
All hope for the Storyteller lies in their hands. And if he should die then our world might just disappear along with him…
Bozo and the Storyteller is a book for older kids and anyone who never really grew up.
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Bozo and The Story Teller (PDF)