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Author: John

307 Curated List of Free Data Science Ebooks, Courses and Resources

This list tries to cover from basic introductory to deep analytical data science materials. You’ll also find various curriculums for learning Data Science. Foundational in both theory and technologies, the Open Source Data Science Masters (OSDSM) breaks down the core competencies necessary to making use of data. All kinds of topics will be covered, including Python, machine learning, specific topics such as statistics, databases, linear algebra / programming, etc., courses, tutorials and a long list of blogs which you can follow and refer to.

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96 Curated Collection of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Ebooks and Resources

This list will provide you with a long list of free ebooks, reading resources, videos, podcasts, communities and a plethora of tools within the blockchain and cryptocurrency universe. Whether you’re just an investor, developer, miner or just someone who just wants to know more about this topic, this comprehensive list will definitely aid you in your journey.

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235 Free Javascript Ebooks, Tools and Resources

This is a collection of must-have JavaScript resources. It covers free ebooks, online tutorials and references, videos, free newsletters and various other free tools as well as source codes. Suitable for those who are just starting out or seasoned experts who just want to explore further. We’ve also included some Twitter accounts of JS authors and developers, so you may want to check or follow them.

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22 Free Go Programming Ebooks

22 Free Go Programming Ebooks for programmers of all levels, from starter to advanced books. Some are freely downloadable in various ebook formats and some are entirely accessible through an online website format. A number of them are also available to be purchased as paperbacks / hardcovers – feel free to purchase one to support the author.

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156 Free Ebooks, Tutorials, Tools, Videos and Resources for Web Developers and Designers

In this post, you’ll find a repository that contains content which will be helpful in your journey as a Web Developer as well as a Web Designer. Besides free ebooks, tutorials, resources and tools, you’ll find a collection of useful YouTube channels for javascript developers and web designers. The list of videos come in various languages – feel free to choose one that suites your best!

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