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Author: John

Business Thinking for Designers

Bring a business mind to design, and transform your career and company, with this free book by Apple and Electronic Arts design veteran Ryan Rumsey. Inside, he shares the essential vocabulary and strategies to effectively communicate with your business partners, plus tools, tips, and frameworks that you can put right to work.

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Tickling the Sigma: 10 Cartoons Poking Fun at Some of Our Inappropriate Responses to Mental Illness

Mental Illness is a serious subject, and so is the stigma related to it. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t laugh or smile when we see the stigma in action. Society has come a long way to educate people about mental health. The behavior that perpetrates the mental illness stigma is being seen as more and more inappropriate.

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Starting An Online Business or Side Hustle

Thinking about starting an online business or side hustle? Included are links to the software and services that she actually uses as well as tips and real life examples of what goes down behind the pretty facade of the gram.

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