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Author: John

Know Thy Enemy

An artifact from the Baghdad National Museum could justify the coalition invasion of Iraq. But the artifact is among items looted from the Museum just before the invasion. CIA Analyst, Emma Burrows enlists the help of Captain William Bradford and a small Joint Task Force 2 team to retrieve the artifact. Unknown to them, a mercenary unit led by Luc Fortesque is also after the stolen artifacts intending to sell them on the black market.

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Sixty-Four Days, A Sea Story

In sixty-four days, Senior Chief Brendan O’Reilly will retire after 30-years in the Navy, but today he’s working on the flight deck of an aircraft carrier. Today, he has to stop daydreaming about visiting National Parks with his lovely wife, Diane, in their new motorhome. Today, Brendan O’Reilly has to keep himself and his shipmates alive.

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Impressions of Egypt

This travelogue isn’t a picture-book; there are far better pictures available on the internet and in travel magazines than the thousand plus I clicked with my point-and-shoot. It is all about the impressions, emotions and implications that no picture can convey, but something that can only be experienced when you bask in the glorious Mediterranean sun in Alexandria, are belittled by the sentinel pyramids at Giza, come to terms with the engineering feat of relocating Abu Simbel, appreciate the historic grandeur of the museum-city of Luxor, or relive the romance of the Nile as you drift past gently-swaying date palms and white-sailed feluccas.

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