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Author: John

Division Clock

Division Clock is a surreal insight into the workings of the mind of a protagonist who has lost all hope. If you are looking for something deep, dark and imaginative, then this story is for you. If you prefer to read something that questions all your assumptions of how and where you expect a story to lead you, this is for you. The writing aims to reflect the kaleidoscopic stream of thoughts of a person lost in their own melancholia, bordering on downright insanity.

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Cherry Smack

Life is short. Jimmy’s life may prove shorter. His gang mates have grown up and shipped out, and the nine to five is grinding Jimmy into a person he no longer recognizes. There has to be more to existence than waking up every Saturday with a half-eaten kebab and empty wallet. The wide blue skies of America sing a siren’s song, and Jimmy decides he’s ready to give life a do-over—even if it means leaving his childhood sweetheart Kelly behind.

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39 Mind Blowing One Sit Books

We’ve listed down 39 of the most popular and highly recommended books that you can read in one sitting. That still depends on a lot of factors, but the it’s definitely and highly doable. This list has been curated from a Reddit’s post and we encourage you to share your thoughts on this if you know other books which we’ve missed out.

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Dracula of the Apes Book 1: The Urn

Dracula of the Apes picks up where Bram Stoker’s Dracula left off and Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Tarzan of the Apes began. Dracula’s Gypsy servant Horvat has the special duty of preserving his master’s body if the worst should ever happen-and the worst has happened!

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