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Author: John


In the near future (or is it the present?) genetically engineered beings are a fact. One such being is named Cassandra and this is her story. It’s a story of experimentation and secrets, threatened death and government cover-ups, flight for freedom and survival and a story of animals.

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Stalkers are a frightening reality that many celebrities face being in the public eye. Most are harmless, but there are a select few who become obsessed and threaten violence as they follow and harass their target. Some have even confronted the celebrity in their own homes.

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The 35 Most Unusual Words You Never Knew From the Bookworm World

When it comes to the world of books, there are hundreds of unusual and interesting words that some of us might not know. Not even a native speaker knows all the words of his own language, let alone a hardcore bookworm. This level of technical vocabulary is used only by bibliophile specialists through epeolatry for all bibliophagists throughout the world. Do you book binge while you’re reading while diving into an occassional bibliofactophilia? Perhaps when you’re craving for food, it’s not a best idea to be act like a bibliophagia – trust me, it’s not healthy.

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Ariel’s Dream

Dream remnants usually fade, but not this one. A shadow escapes from Ariel’s dream and stalks her in the real world. No matter how she tries to shake it off, it always returns.

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