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Author: John

Immersive Linear Algebra

A linear algebra book with interactive illustration. These figures will make it easier and faster to digest and to learn linear algebra. The idea is to start each chapter with an intuitive concrete example that practically shows how the math works using interactive illustrations.

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12 Reasons to Love A Good Library and Get Yourself Lost in the World of Adventure

The best, most peaceful and the richest knowledge bank in the world, probably the galaxy. If you’re not visiting a library during your free time, you’re definitely missing out a lot. And don’t be confused that library is just a place for books, it’s also a place for retreats to de-stress yourself, an alternative work place, a place to enrol into training and development courses. And your kids will most definitely love the place!

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The Spy Paramount

The Spy Paramount takes us to Rome, 1934. American Martin Fawley, a former secret service agent, is recruited as a spy by General Berati, the most feared man in fascist Italy. Going undercover to Monte Carlo, Fawley travels in a world of casinos and cocktails, high stakes and secrecy–and discovers the secret weapon that could determine the outcome of the looming world war.

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The Elements of Animal Biology

This volume is intended as an introduction to the elements of animal biology for the use of students in the high school. The cut-and-dried method of exposition which is so commonly found in text-books and which so frequently deprives them of all traces of stimulating quality has been avoided so far as was deemed compatible with the presentation of such subject matter as a text-book should contain.

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10 Tips and Tricks How To Read More – Reach Your Reading Target and Read Even More

There are a lot of factors which will influence in your next book, or when and how you’ll be reading it. Would you be taking any action and making some time in between your busy daily schedule to read? In this video, we’ll cover 10 tips and tricks on how you can read more and continue doing so to reach your reading target and read even more in the coming future, at your own comfortable pace. Don’t worry, just find that one book which catches your attention – call it love-to-read-at-first-sight and start reading, and you won’t stop reading.

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