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Author: John

Neural Grafting: Repairing the Brain and Spinal Cord

This special report, the second of the neuroscience series, discusses the field of neural grafting into the brain and spinal cord to treat neurological disorders. It describes the technology of neural grafting, the neurological conditions that it may be used to treat, and the patient populations that are affected.

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Uses of Technology in Upper Secondary Mathematics Education

This survey addresses the use of technology in upper secondary mathematics education from four points of view: theoretical analysis of epistemological and cognitive aspects of activity in new technology mediated learning environments, the changes brought by technology in the interactions between environment, students and teachers, the interrelations between mathematical activities and technology, skills and competencies that must be developed in teacher education.

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15 Psychological Thriller Books That’ll Haunt You for Days and Keep You on Your Toes

Into psychological fictions and non-fictions? Perhaps this list of 15 psychological thriller will keep you occupied for sometime. They will keep you wondering and stay awake for sure. This list covers the gruesome part of made-up stories as well as true-life events covered by brave souls that persevered to bring us all of the intricate details that transpired some time ago. But be warned that these books do leave a mark in your mind and the way you look things in the future.

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