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Ulterior by Darryl Sloan


by Darryl Sloan

On the surface it looks like an ordinary school, and the six hundred kids who attend it have no reason to think any different. All except one.

Trespassing late at night with criminal intent, fourteen-year-old Eddie Morton sees something he isn’t supposed to see – a sinister secret that endangers the life of every child who walks the school corridors in broad daylight; a chilling conspiracy in which even the headmaster may be implicated.

Eddie possesses only fragments of the puzzle; he must dig deeper. But where do you turn when you don’t know who to trust? How do you cope when running away holds the direst consequences? And what do you do when you discover you’re dealing with people who are not really people at all?

Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Ulterior – 212 pages (Scribd) – Free online viewing only (requires payment in order to download)

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