9 Free Science & Engineering Ebooks from IntechOpen

9 Free Science & Engineering Ebooks from IntechOpen
by Various Authors
These ebooks include:-
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Technologies and Applications by Igor V. Minin (Encryption)
- Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media and Structures by Ali Akdagli (Electromagnetism, Electronic Engineering)
- Environmental Management in Practice by Elzbieta Broniewicz (Environmental Management)
- Electromagnetic Waves Propagation in Complex Matter by Ahmed Kishk (Electromagnetism)
- Establishing Better Standards of Care in Doppler Echocardiography, Computed Tomography and Nuclear Cardiology by Richard M. Fleming (Cardiology, Medicine)
- Adaptive Filtering Applications by Lino Garcia (Digital Signal Processing)
- Advances in Robot Navigation by Alejandra Barrera (Robotics And Automation)
- Air Quality-Models and Applications by Nicolas Mazzeo (Atmospheric Sciences)
- Biotechnology of Biopolymers by Magdy Elnashar (Polymers)
Computational Fluid Dynamics Technologies and Applications
by Igor V. Minin
This book is planned to publish with an objective to provide a state-of-art reference book in the area of computational fluid dynamics for CFD engineers, scientists, applied physicists and post-graduate students. Also the aim of the book is the continuous and timely dissemination of new and innovative CFD research and developments. This reference book is a collection of 14 chapters characterized in 4 parts: modern principles of CFD, CFD in physics, industrial and in castle.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the computational experiment technology, numerical simulation of the hydrodynamics and heat transfer processes in a two dimensional gas, application of lattice Boltzmann method in heat transfer and fluid flow, etc. Several interesting applications area are also discusses in the book like underwater vehicle propeller, the flow behavior in gas-cooled nuclear reactors, simulation odour dispersion around windbreaks and so on.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Computational Fluid Dynamics Technologies and Applications – 396 pages, 39.43MB (PDF)
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Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media and Structures
by Ali Akdagli
This comprehensive volume thoroughly covers wave propagation behaviors and computational techniques for electromagnetic waves in different complex media. The chapter authors describe powerful and sophisticated analytic and numerical methods to solve their specific electromagnetic problems for complex media and geometries as well. This book will be of interest to electromagnetics and microwave engineers, physicists and scientists.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Behaviour of Electromagnetic Waves in Different Media and Structures – 440 pages, 61.18MB (PDF)
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Environmental Management in Practice
by Elzbieta Broniewicz
In recent years the topic of environmental management has become very common. In sustainable development conditions, central and local governments much more often notice the need of acting in ways that diminish negative impact on environment. Environmental management may take place on many different levels – starting from global level, e.g. climate changes, through national and regional level (environmental policy) and ending on micro level.
This publication shows many examples of environmental management. The diversity of presented aspects within environmental management and approaching the subject from the perspective of various countries contributes greatly to the development of environmental management field of research.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Environmental Management in Practice – 448 pages, 21.86MB (PDF)
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Electromagnetic Waves Propagation in Complex Matter
by Ahmed Kishk
This volume is based on the contributions of several authors in electromagnetic waves propagations. Several issues are considered. The contents of most of the chapters are highlighting non classic presentation of wave propagation and interaction with matters. This volume bridges the gap between physics and engineering in these issues. Each chapter keeps the author notation that the reader should be aware of as he reads from chapter to the other.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Electromagnetic Waves Propagation in Complex Matter – 292 pages, 9.49MB (PDF)
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Establishing Better Standards of Care in Doppler Echocardiography, Computed Tomography and Nuclear Cardiology
by Richard M. Fleming
Since the introduction of Doppler Echocardiography, Nuclear Cardiology and Coronary CT imaging, clinicians and researchers have been searching for ways to improve their use of these important tools in both the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease. To keep up with cutting edge improvements in these fields, experts from around the world have come together in this book to provide the reader with the most up to date information to explain how, why and when these different non-invasive imaging tools should be used. This book will not only serve its reader well today but well into the future.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Establishing Better Standards of Care in Doppler Echocardiography, Computed Tomography and Nuclear Cardiology – 260 pages, 37.54MB (PDF)
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Adaptive Filtering Applications
by Lino Garcia
Adaptive filtering is useful in any application where the signals or the modeled system vary over time. The configuration of the system and, in particular, the position where the adaptive processor is placed generate different areas or application fields such as: prediction, system identification and modeling, equalization, cancellation of interference, etc. which are very important in many disciplines such as control systems, communications, signal processing, acoustics, voice, sound and image, etc.
The book consists of noise and echo cancellation, medical applications, communications systems and others hardly joined by their heterogeneity. Each application is a case study with rigor that shows weakness/strength of the method used, assesses its suitability and suggests new forms and areas of use.
The problems are becoming increasingly complex and applications must be adapted to solve them. The adaptive filters have proven to be useful in these environments of multiple input/output, variant-time behaviors, and long and complex transfer functions effectively, but fundamentally they still have to evolve. This book is a demonstration of this and a small illustration of everything that is to come.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Adaptive Filtering Applications – 400 pages, 20.24MB (PDF)
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Advances in Robot Navigation
by Alejandra Barrera
Robot navigation includes different interrelated activities such as perception – obtaining and interpreting sensory information; exploration – the strategy that guides the robot to select the next direction to go; mapping – the construction of a spatial representation by using the sensory information perceived; localization – the strategy to estimate the robot position within the spatial map; path planning – the strategy to find a path towards a goal location being optimal or not; and path execution, where motor actions are determined and adapted to environmental changes.
This book integrates results from the research work of authors all over the world, addressing the abovementioned activities and analyzing the critical implications of dealing with dynamic environments. Different solutions providing adaptive navigation are taken from nature inspiration, and diverse applications are described in the context of an important field of study: social robotics.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Advances in Robot Navigation – 238 pages, 17.06MB (PDF)
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Air Quality-Models and Applications
by Nicolas Mazzeo
Air pollution has been a major transboundary problem and a matter of global concern for decades. High concentrations of different air pollutants are particularly harmful to large cities residents, where numerous anthropogenic activities strongly influence the quality of air.
Although there are many books on the subject, the one in front of you will hopefully fulfill some of the gaps in the area of air quality monitoring and modeling, and be of help to graduate students, professionals and researchers. The book is divided in five sections, dealing with mathematical models and computing techniques used in air pollution monitoring and forecasting; air pollution models and application; measuring methodologies in air pollution monitoring and control; experimental data on urban air pollution in China, Egypt, Northeastern U.S, Brazil and Romania; and finally, the health effects due to exposure to benzene, and on the influence of air pollutants on the acute respiratory diseases in children in Mexico.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Air Quality-Models and Applications – 364 pages, 30.32MB (PDF)
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Biotechnology of Biopolymers
by Magdy Elnashar
The book Biotechnology of Biopolymers comprises 17 chapters covering occurrence, synthesis, isolation and production, properties and applications, biodegradation and modification, the relevant analysis methods to reveal the structures and properties of biopolymers and a special section on the theoretical, experimental and mathematical models of biopolymers.
This book will hopefully be supportive to many scientists, physicians, pharmaceutics, engineers and other experts in a wide variety of different disciplines, in academia and in industry. It may not only support research and development but may be also suitable for teaching. Publishing of this book was achieved by choosing authors of the individual chapters for their recognized expertise and for their excellent contributions to the various fields of research.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Biotechnology of Biopolymers – 364 pages, 26.03MB (PDF)
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