85 Sites With Thousands of Free Children Ebooks

“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore or duty. It should be offered to them as a precious gift.” – Kate DiCamillo
Do you want your child to value reading? Show them that you value it yourself by providing a number of age-appropriate books, and incorporate reading into your daily routine whenever possible. Read your child a bedtime story at night, and let them see you reading a favorite book just for fun. An important tip for young parents is to make time each day to read to your child. Exposing children to books and illustrations is a great way to introduce them to language and art. By doing this, you will help build their vocabulary and help them get ready to learn once they enter school.
These free ebooks include:-
- Aaronshep.com (Online reading only – Fairy Tales) [Read / Download]
- Aesopfables.com (Online reading only & Audio – Fairy Tales) [Read / Download]
- Allbooksfree.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Allenmorgan.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Alvietheburro.com (Online reading & MP3) [Read / Download]
- Archive.org (Online, PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Daisy, TXT, DjVu) [Read / Download]
- Arthursclassicnovels.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Shop.authorstand.com (PDF (Requires registration)) [Read / Download]
- Sundhagen.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Ufdc.ufl.edu (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Mainlesson.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Bibliotastic.com (Online reading only (Download requires registration)) [Read / Download]
- Bookbox.com (Online reading, PDF, MP3) [Read / Download]
- Bookiejar.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Booksshouldbefree.com (MP3, iTunes, M4b, RSS Feed) [Read / Download]
- Bored.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Bubutales.com (PDF (Multi-language)) [Read / Download]
- Bygosh.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Candlelightstories.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Gordondioxide.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Childrensbooksforever.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Childrensbooksonline.org (Online viewing only – Picture eBooks) [Read / Download]
- Childrenslibrary.org (Online viewing only – Picture eBooks (Multi-language)) [Read / Download]
- Childrenstory.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Childstoryteller.com (Online reading only – Fairy Tales) [Read / Download]
- Cssepo.utdallas.edu (PDF (Comics)) [Read / Download]
- Clarkness.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Classicly.com (PDF, Kindle) [Read / Download]
- Classicreader.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Cyberkids.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Dontspankhank.wordpress.com (PDF, SWF, Youtube) [Read / Download]
- Eastoftheweb.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Ebookjunkie.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Ebooks.adelaide.edu.au (Online, HTML, ZIP, EPUB, Kindle) [Read / Download]
- E-booksdirectory.com (Various formats) [Read / Download]
- Ebooktakeaway.com (HTML, PDF, TXT) [Read / Download]
- Electricscotland.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Fablevision.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Feedbooks.com (EPUB – Fairy Tales) [Read / Download]
- Fiction.us (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Freechildrenstories.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Freekidsbooks.org (Online reading, PDF) [Read / Download]
- Geronimobear.co.uk (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Goodnightstories.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Grimmfairytales.com (Online reading & listening) [Read / Download]
- Ipl.org (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Joggoon.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Kellscraft.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Kids-pages.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Kidsstoriesonline.com (Online reading & PDF) [Read / Download]
- Kidsworldfun.com (Online reading & PDF) [Read / Download]
- Knowledgerush.com (TXT, HTML) [Read / Download]
- Loc.gov (Online reading & PDF) [Read / Download]
- Lightupyourbrain.com (MP3, Listen Online) [Read / Download]
- Longlongtimeago.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Magickeys.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Manybooks.net (All formats) [Read / Download]
- Megamousebooks.com (MOBI, EPUB, Online reading) [Read / Download]
- Memoware.com (Various formats) [Read / Download]
- Munseys.com (XML, HTML, PDF, PRC, EPUB) [Read / Download]
- Unmuseum.org (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- My-kids-corner.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Myyoungchild.org (Listen along (Video)) [Read / Download]
- Popularchildrenstories.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Gutenberg.org (HTML, EPUB, Kindle, TXT) [Read / Download]
- Read.gov (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Readinghawk.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Rodcockle.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Ebooks.sesamestreet.org (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Storiespoems.net (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Shortstoriesfree.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Sillybooks.net (Flash animated stories) [Read / Download]
- Smashwords.com (All formats) [Read / Download]
- Storiesforchildren.co.uk (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Storiesformylittlesister.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Storiestogrowby.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Storybird.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Stuartstories.com (Online reading, DOC, PDF) [Read / Download]
- Surlalunefairytales.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Themoonlitroad.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Tonightsbedtimestory.com (PDF) [Read / Download]
- Umass.edu (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Vintagecookbooks.healthyeatingandlifestyle.org (Online reading, PDF, TXT, DjVu) [Read / Download]
- Worldoftales.com (Online reading only) [Read / Download]
- Angelfire.com (TXT) [Read / Download]