6 Free Agricultural & Earth Science Ebooks

6 Free Agricultural & Earth Science Ebooks
by Various Authors
These ebooks include:-
- Sediment Transport by Silvia Susana Ginsberg (Environmental Science, Earth Science)
- Soybean – Applications and Technology by Tzi-Bun Ng (Agricultural)
- Soybean – Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physiology by Tzi-Bun Ng (Agricultural)
- Soybean – Molecular Aspects of Breeding by Aleksandra Sudaric (Agricultural)
- Desalination, Trends and Technologies by Michael Schorr (Agricultural)
- Pesticides – Formulations, Effects, Fate by Margarita Stoytcheva (Agricultural)
Sediment Transport
by Silvia Susana Ginsberg
Sediment transport is a book that covers a wide variety of subject matters. It combines the personal and professional experience of the authors on solid particles transport and related problems, whose expertise is focused in aqueous systems and in laboratory flumes. This includes a series of chapters on hydrodynamics and their relationship with sediment transport and morphological development. The different contributions deal with issues such as the sediment transport modeling; sediment dynamics in stream confluence or river diversion, in meandering channels, at interconnected tidal channels system; changes in sediment transport under fine materials, cohesive materials and ice cover; environmental remediation of contaminated fine sediments.
This is an invaluable interdisciplinary textbook and an important contribution to the sediment transport field. I strongly recommend this textbook to those in charge of conducting research on engineering issues or wishing to deal with equally important scientific problems.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Sediment Transport – 334 pages, 30.77 MB (PDF)
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Soybean – Applications and Technology
by Tzi-Bun Ng
Soybean is an agricultural crop of tremendous economic importance. Soybean and food items derived from it form dietary components of numerous people, especially those living in the Orient. The health benefits of soybean have attracted the attention of nutritionists as well as common people.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Soybean – Applications and Technology – 402 pages, 19.24 MB (PDF)
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Soybean – Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physiology
by Tzi-Bun Ng
Soybean is an agricultural crop of tremendous economic importance. Soybean and food items derived from it form dietary components of numerous people, especially those living in the Orient. The health benefits of soybean have attracted the attention of nutritionists as well as common people.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Soybean – Biochemistry, Chemistry and Physiology – 642 pages, 30.33 MB (PDF)
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Soybean – Molecular Aspects of Breeding
by Aleksandra Sudaric
The book Soybean: Molecular Aspects of Breeding focuses on recent progress in our understanding of the genetics and molecular biology of soybean and provides a broad review of the subject, from genome diversity to transformation and integration of desired genes using current technologies. This book is divided into four parts (Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Breeding for Abiotic Stress, Breeding for Biotic Stress, Recent Technology) and contains 22 chapters.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Soybean – Molecular Aspects of Breeding – 514 pages, 68.116 MB (PDF)
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Desalination, Trends and Technologies
by Michael Schorr
The book comprises 14 chapters covering all the issues related to water desalination. These chapters emphasize the relationship between problems encountered with the use of feed water, the processes developed to address them, the operation of the required plants and solutions actually implemented. This compendium will assist designers, engineers and investigators to select the process and plant configuration that are most appropriate for the particular feed water to be used, for the geographic region considered, as well as for the characteristics required of the treated water produced.
This survey offers a comprehensive, hierarchical and logical assessment of the entire desalination industry. It starts with the worldwide scarcity of water and energy, continues with the thermal – and membrane-based processes and, finally, presents the design and operation of large and small desalination plants. As such, it covers all the scientific, technological and economical aspects of this critical industry, not disregarding its environmental and social points of view.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Desalination, Trends and Technologies – 334 pages, 27.68 MB (PDF)
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Pesticides – Formulations, Effects, Fate
by Margarita Stoytcheva
This book provides an overview on a large variety of pesticide-related topics, organized in three sections. The first part is dedicated to the ‘safer’ pesticides derived from natural materials, the design and the optimization of pesticides formulations, and the techniques for pesticides application. The second part is intended to demonstrate the agricultural products, environmental and biota pesticides contamination and the impacts of the pesticides presence on the ecosystems. The third part presents current investigations of the naturally occurring pesticides degradation phenomena, the environmental effects of the break down products, and different approaches to pesticides residues treatment. Written by leading experts in their respective areas, the book is highly recommended to the professionals, interested in pesticides issues.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Pesticides – Formulations, Effects, Fate – 808 pages, 31.03 MB (PDF)
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