56 Free Spiritual Ebooks Through the Science of Akram Vignan in Multiple Languages

Dada Bhagwan Foundation (DBF) and its associated charitable trusts are spiritual non-profit organizations formed with the goal of spreading peace, harmony and ultimate bliss to the world through the science of Akram Vignan – the science of Self Realization as expounded by the Gnani Purush Shree Ambalal Muljibhai Patel, fondly known as Param Pujya Dadashri or Dada Bhagwan.
DBF organizes Satsangs / Gnan Vidhi (a two hour scientific process of Self Realization) by Pujya Deepakbhai all across the country and throughout the world. The satsangs are in a question-answer format and comprises of a wide variety of questions ranging from the subtlest spiritual to gross worldly issues / problems / doubts. The satsangs / Gnan Vidhi are complimentary, open to the public at large without any discrimination of caste, color, religion or creed.
DBF builds and manages non-sectarian Trimandirs in various parts of the country for spreading this spiritual science (Akram Vignan). This spiritual science is also propagated through a variety of media including books, monthly magazines, DVDs, website and the broadcasting of satsangs on a host of TV channels…

Dada Bhagwan Foundation (DBF)
spiritual non-profit organizations formed with the goal of spreading peace, harmony and ultimate bliss to the world.
In addition to satsangs / Gnan Vidhi for adults, DBF is engaged in imparting moral values and character building for kids and youth all over the world through a wide range of various activities, the publication of a monthly magazine and otherperiodicals including a dedicated website.
Significantly, DBF has establisheda self-contained residential township (Simandhar City) to facilitate spiritual progress of the seekers.
DBF also runs the following community activities on a cost or subsidised basis: Nirant (a home for senior citizens), Amba Health Centre (Hospital), Unodari (Meal house), Gurukul (a residential hostel for school age boys), a Stop and Stay and Dormitory (residential facility for visitors) and the Amba School for Excellence..
“Dada Bhagwan Foundation (DBF) and its associated charitable trusts are spiritual non-profit organizations formed with the goal of spreading peace, harmony and ultimate bliss to the world.”
Through the download links below you’ll find a total of 56 different free spiritual ebooks from various languages including English, Bengali, German, Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Oriya, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish and Telugu. Not all titles cover the abovementioned full range of languages, but feel free to pick the language that suites you best. The ebook formats in the other hand are pretty straightforward, covering the top 3 most popular formats – PDF, EPUB and MOBI, occasionally with the option of downloads in audibook formats. Categorically speaking, you may find titles from beginners, relationship, self-help, humanity and spiritual science.
- Adjust Everywhere (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 25 Pages)
Life requires continuous adjustment in relation to unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances.However, when dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, adjustments become increasingly difficult.In this book, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers the ultimate conflict resolution skills in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies.
(English)(Bengali)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Oriya)(Portuguese)(Punjabi)(Spanish)(Telugu) - Anger (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 29 Pages)
Anger management helps us when we don’t know how to manage our anger! We become angry because we lack conflict resolution skills. In the book ‘Anger’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers the ultimate anger management techniques in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies. He gives numerous solutions for dealing both with our own anger, and the anger of others.
(English)(Bengali)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Oriya)(Portuguese)(Punjabi)(Spanish) - Antahkaran Ka Swaroop (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 32 Pages)
The antahkaran has four parts: the mind, the intellect, the chit, and the ego. Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan was able to remain separate from His antahkaran by residing in the Soul. This allowed Him to describe the antahkaran exactly. In the book ‘Antahkaran’, Param Pujya Dadashri has given a beautiful and a clear description of the antahkaran.
(Hindi) - Aptavani-1 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 289 Pages)
‘Aptavani 1’ is the first in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers answers to: Who am I?, the purpose of life, the journey of Souls and the science of karma. Ultimately, Dadashri describes how the knowledge of Self is the final goal of all seeking. Without Self Knowledge, one cannot attain ultimate liberation, or moksha.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-2 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 540 Pages)
‘Aptavani 2’ is the second in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan talks about the benefits of different religions, the difference between spirituality and religion, and spiritual enlightenment. Dadashri describes that the knowledge of Self is the beginning of true spirituality, which leads to ultimate liberation, or moksha.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-3 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 285 Pages)
‘Aptavani 3’ is the third in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides the answer to the basic question, ‘Who am I?’ He shows the path towards Self Realization and liberation from worldly bondage. Dadashri provides keys on how to live life without conflicts and showed the way to experience permanent bliss.
(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-4 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 378 Pages)
‘Aptavani 4’ is the fourth in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual explanations regarding the meaning of the ignorance of the Self (Soul), and how one can experience the spiritual power of their pure Soul. Dadashri explains that the knowledge of Self is the beginning of true spirituality which eventually leads to liberation.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-5 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 207 Pages)
‘Aptavani 5’ is the fifth in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan explains Who am ‘I’, who is the ‘Doer’, and what is prakruti (non-self complex)? He describes how the knowledge of Self is the beginning of true spirituality. With such spiritual development one can learn how to interact peacefully in worldly life.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-6 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 273 Pages)
‘Aptavani 6’ is the sixth in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan explains that understanding ‘Who am I?’ and attaining the knowledge of Self, is spiritual awakening. One begins to experience inner equanimity and peace of mind with a newfound ability to face lifes’ problems.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-7 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 300 Pages)
‘Aptavani 7’ is the seventh in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan discusses simple day to day problems and provides unique solutions. Other topics in this book include jagruti (alertness) in life, how to handle money, how to remain peaceful in conflicting situations and how to tackle regular problems faced in the office / business.
(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-8 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 368 Pages)
‘Aptavani 8’ is the eighth in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides profound explanations on the science of karma, who am I and the journey of Souls. He describes the knowledge of Self as the beginning of true spirituality. He explains how one can experience spiritual power, and what are the signs of spiritual awakening.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptavani-9 (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 507 Pages)
‘Aptavani 9’ is the ninth in a series of spiritual books titled ‘Aptavani’. In this series, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan describes how, in spirituality and practice, one must be careful about certain pitfalls which should be avoided in the process of spiritual development. The understanding of ‘Who am I?’ and attaining the knowledge of Self unfolds true spirituality within and leads to liberation.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Aptsutra (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 122 Pages)
The set of books called ‘Aptasutra’, are a compilation of the spiritual quotes (Aptasutra) said by Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan. Each quote provides some common understanding on spirituality and ranges from worldly knowledge to the subtle knowledge of the Soul.
(Gujarati) - Atmabodh (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 68 Pages)
In the book ‘Atmabodh’, the Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has revealed the real philosophy related to the Soul and other elements. He has seen through His Gnan, the exact form of the Soul, and He has seen, known and experienced the exactness of this world. This knowledge, that was obtained through His divine speech, has been compiled, which shall be helpful on the path of spirituality.
(Hindi) - Autobiography Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 71 Pages)
A Gnani Purush is one who has achieved the highest levels of spiritual development. But meeting a Gnani Purush, and achieving spiritual enlightenment, is extremely rare. The book ‘Autobiography of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel,’ is a compilation of transcribed spiritual discourses of Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan, within which there is a description of His own process of instant enlightenment.
(English)(Hindi)(Gujarati) - Avoid Clashes (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 25 Pages)
In dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, in family relationships, or in the midst of marriage problems, clashes occur. We ask ourselves, how can we possibly avoid conflict in these emotionally-charged situations? In the book ‘Avoid Clashes’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers ultimate conflict resolution skills in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies.
(English)(Bengali)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Oriya)(Portuguese)(Spanish)(Telugu)(Punjabi) - Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Understanding (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 105 Pages)
In the book ‘Brahmacharya: Celibacy With Right Understanding’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers unique insight into the definition of celibacy and the benefits of brahmacharya. He clarifies common misunderstandings about celibacy. This book is an invaluable resource for those wanting to learn how to become more spiritual through the practice of brahmacharya.
(English (Abr))(Marathi (Abr))(Gujarati (Abr))(Hindi (Abr)) - Chamatkar (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 56 Pages)
In today’s age of technology and modernization, people are still looking for miracles to happen. Dadashri, the Gnani Purush explains the difference between miracles and siddhi (capability) and whether practically miracles do any good or is it just a myth? This book ‘Chamatkar’, will help unveil the true meaning behind miracles and spirituality.
(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Dadabhagwan Nu Atmavignan (PDF – 45 Pages)
In this compilation, the truly manifested Gnani Purush, has revealed the real philosophy related to the Soul and other elements.Param Pujya Dadashri has seen through his Gnan, the exact form of soul, and he has seen, known and experienced the exactness of this world. This knowledge, that was obtained through his divine speech, has been compiled here, which shall be very helpful to the ones treading on the path of spirituality.
(Assamese) - Death: Before, During & After: What happens when you Die (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 45 Pages)
In the book ‘Death: Before, During & After’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan addresses age-old unanswered questions related to death and dying. In this invaluable resource, Dadashri places death in a larger spiritual context by describing how to attain the Self (Soul); He explains that the knowledge of Self, helps in liberating one from all suffering related to death and dying.
(English)(Gujarati)(German)(Hindi)(Marathi) - Fault Is Of The Sufferer (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 22 Pages)
There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. In painful circumstances, we naturally question, ‘Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!’ Such situations may feel like the very definition of suffering. In the book ‘Fault is of the Sufferer’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual solutions to common and everyday forms of suffering.
(English)(German)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Spanish) - Generation Gap: Parenting Tips for Positive Parenting (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 94 Pages)
Parenting is the most important role in life, but for which one is the least prepared! It is natural to seek help with child rearing, especially when it comes to child behavioral problems, how to parent teenagers, or simply help with positive parenting. In the book ‘Generation Gap,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers spiritual behavior modification techniques in support of good parenting.
(English)(Gujarati)(German)(Hindi)(Marathi) - Gnani Purush Ki Pehchan (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 48 Pages)
The answer to the question ‘Who am I?’ can only be given by a Gnani Purush. But to meet a Gnani Purush, and to access their spiritual power to achieve spiritual enlightenment, is extremely rare. The book ‘Gnani Purush ki Pehchan’, is compiled from the transcribed spiritual discourses of Dadashri, where he explains the characteristics of a Gnani Purush and how one can identify him.
(Hindi)(Gujarati) - Guru and Disciple (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 151 Pages)
Among the myriad of relationships in life, the one between a Guru and disciple is most sacred and unique. In the book ‘Guru and Disciple’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides in-depth answers to all questions about the Guru-disciple relationship. For those on a spiritual quest, seeking spiritual growth, or simply desirous of spiritual guidance, this book is an invaluable resource.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Gujarati) - Harmony In Marriage: Happy Married Life (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 123 Pages)
Over the course of life, even in happy homes, it is natural to encounter marriage problems. But, for some, the husband and wife relationship can be said to be the definition of conflict! In the book ‘Harmony in Marriage,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides tips related to maintaining a harmonious marriage, conflict resolution skills and strategies to resolve everyday marriage challenges.
(English)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Gujarati) - Jagat Karta Kaun? (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 40 Pages)
For so long, humans have been looking for answers to questions like, ‘Who is the doer?’ and ‘Who created and runs this world?’ There is no independent doer in this world, but due to ignorance, one lives in the illusion of egoism, that he is the doer. In this book, Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan gives a simple and direct understanding to all of these questions and reveals the mystery behind doer-ship.
(Hindi) - Karma Ka Siddhant (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 36 Pages)
Many people become puzzled by the principle of karma and are left asking, ‘What is the law of karma?’, ‘What is destiny, or does destiny relate to karma?’ In the book ‘The Science of Karma’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan defines karma and how exactly it works according to spiritual science. Dadashri explains with the knowledge of Self and understanding of karma one can experience inner peace.
(Hindi) - Karma Ka Vignan (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 79 Pages)
Many people become puzzled by the principle of karma and are left asking, ‘What is the law of karma?’, ‘What is destiny, or does destiny relate to karma?’ In the book ‘The Science of Karma’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan defines karma and how exactly it works according to spiritual science. Dadashri explains with the knowledge of Self and understanding of karma one can experience inner peace.
- Life Without Conflicts (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 162 Pages)
As much as we would prefer otherwise, conflict seems woven into the fabric of life. We might say that some of our relationships are the definition of conflict! In the book ‘Life Without Conflict,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers ultimate conflict resolution skills in the form of spiritual conflict resolution strategies.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(German) - Manav Dharma (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 27 Pages)
Since we have obtained a human body we should do the duty of being human. There should be humanity within us. When someone hurts us we do not like it, therefore we should not hurt anyone. According to Dada Bhagwan, this is the definition of humanity. In the book ‘Manav Dharma’, He explains humanity with the humble intention that when people understand humanity, their human life will be fruitful.
(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Oriya)(Punjabi) - Noble Use Of Money (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 54 Pages)
In the book ‘Noble Use of Money,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan explains that the best charity is to offer happiness to others; He says ‘when you give happiness to others, you get happiness in return.’ The simplest way to ‘buy happiness’ is to donate money, especially if done anonymously. This book offers spiritual advice on how to make a donation, and why one should make anonymous donations.
(English)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi) - Non-Violence (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 93 Pages)
Understanding how to live a life of non violence is not as simple as it seems. Seekers leading a spiritual life may wonder what ahimsa (non violence) is, and they may be inspired to practice it. In the book ‘Non-Violence,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers key understanding on how to become non-violent in today’s era and live in peace.
(English)(Hindi)(Gujarati) - Paap-Punya (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 72 Pages)
Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has described the concept of ‘Paap (demerit karma) – Punya (merit karma)’ in simple words in this book. He says that when one gives happiness to others they bind punya and when one hurts others they bind paap. However, if one does pratikraman (whole hearted repentance) one can wash away paap karma and bind punya.
(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi) - Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 103 Pages)
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges. As one progresses, many unintentional mistakes become disconcerting. To overcome these mistakes the most powerful tool in spiritual healing is repentance. In the book ‘Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan describes the power of forgiveness and shows one how to repent and ask for forgiveness.
(English (Abr))(Hindi (Abr))(Gujarati (Abr))(German)(Gujarati)(Marathi)(Spanish) - Pratikraman: The Key that resolves all Conflicts (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 588 Pages)
In the book ‘Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan describes the spiritual power of forgiveness, and offers a precise formula for asking for forgiveness. The book provides anyone who is seeking to learn about spiritual forgiveness, an understanding on how to repent, and how to forgive someone, as well as yourself.
(English (Full Version)) - Pratikraman: The master key that resolves all conflicts (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 121 Pages)
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges. As one progresses, many unintentional mistakes become disconcerting. To overcome these mistakes the most powerful tool in spiritual healing is repentance. In the book ‘Pratikraman: Freedom Through Apology & Repentance,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan describes the power of forgiveness and shows one how to repent and ask for forgiveness.
(Portuguese) - Pure Love (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 64 Pages)
Pure love is an essential value for one who wants to lead a spiritual life. In the book ‘Pure Love’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers a profound definition, and explanation of unconditional love, and describes how pure love grows naturally with spiritual development. Dadashri explains that the knowledge of the Self, and the blossoming of pure love is one of the signs of spiritual awakening.
(English)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - Right Understanding To Help Others (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 33 Pages)
Seekers leading a spiritual life may become inspired towards serving others, or doing seva (selfless service). In the book ‘Right Understanding To Help Others: Benevolence’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers understanding of helping others and the many benefits seva has upon one’s spiritual growth. Dadashri also explains that happiness begins when one starts to serve others and in offering seva.
(English)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Punjabi)(Marathi) - Sahajta (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 152 Pages)
What is salvation? It is to attain the state of the Pure Soul, that which is natural (sahaj), that which is innate. In this book ‘Sahajata’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has given the meaning of sahajata, and how to attain sahajata. One becomes emotional because they become one with the mind, speech and body. Once a person realizes the true Self (Soul), then it will take them towards sahajta.
(Gujarati) - Sarva Dukho Se Mukti (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 79 Pages)
Who doesn’t have worldly miseries and sorrows? Everyone wants freedom from them. But is there a way to get rid of them? This suffering is due to the ignorance of the true Self (Soul). Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan has given a very simplified and effortless way to become free from all worldly suffering, just by realizing ‘Who am I?’ This results in eternal inner peace and happiness.
(Hindi) - Satya Asatya ke Rahasya (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 50 Pages)
According to Dada Bhagwan, the Gnani Purush, in the worldly life there are three types of truth. One – absolute truth (Self), second – relative truth and third – untruth. In this book ‘Satya Asatya Na Rahasyo’, Dadashri discusses the meaning of absolute and relative truth. The relative truth varies from person to person, while the absolute truth does not.
(Hindi)(Gujarati) - Science of Karma (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 93 Pages)
Many people become puzzled by the principle of karma and are left asking, ‘What is the law of karma?’, ‘What is destiny, or does destiny relate to karma?’ In the book ‘The Science of Karma’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan defines karma and how exactly it works according to spiritual science. Dadashri explains with the knowledge of Self and understanding of karma one can experience inner peace.
(Portuguese) - Science of Speech (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 102 Pages)
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may naturally become inspired to live in peace and non violence. To learn spiritual practices and develop the values, one may turn to spiritual teachers or religion. In the book ‘Science Of Speech,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers understanding about non violent communication, especially while resolving conflict and dealing with difficult people.
(German (Abr))(Gujarati (Abr))(Hindi (Abr)) - Science of Speech (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 555 Pages)
In the book ‘Science of Speech (Granth)’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers key understanding about non-violent communication, along with conflict resolution skills and conflict management strategies. His spiritual teaching on how to resolve conflict or to avoid it altogether is offered in the context of common and everyday relationship challenges.
(Gujarati (Full Version)) - Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 68 Pages)
Everyone wonders what is our true purpose in life? This is something we all seek and for which we make constant efforts. In the book ‘Self Realization’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan reveals the science of Self Realization, describing that attaining the knowledge of Self is the ultimate purpose of life and is the beginning of lasting happiness. Self Realization can also result in ultimate liberation.
(English)(Bengali)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Oriya)(Portuguese)(Punjabi)(Spanish) - Spirituality in Speech (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 74 Pages)
Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may naturally become inspired to live in peace and non violence. To learn spiritual practices and develop the values, one may turn to spiritual teachers or religion. In the book ‘Science Of Speech,’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers understanding about non violent communication, especially while resolving conflict and dealing with difficult people.
(English) - The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 31 Pages)
To achieve enlightenment one needs to meet a Tirthankara (Fully Enlightened Being), but this is not possible right now. However a Gnani (The Enlightened One) can connect us to Simandhar Swami of Mahavideh Kshetra, who is a living Tirthankara. In the book ‘The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami,’ Gnani Purush Dadashri shows us how to connect to Simandhar Swami to acheive liberation.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Spanish) - The Essence Of All Religion (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 40 Pages)
In the book ‘The Essence of All Religion’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan explains the difference between religion and spirituality. Pujya Dadashri offers the extract of spirituality and religion in the form of nine spiritual intents (kalams). He explains that the nine kalams are the essence of the teachings of the religions of the world. They are a simple and direct means to live in peace.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Portuguese)(Spanish) - The Fault is of the Sufferer (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 25 Pages)
There are times in life when we must endure suffering due to no fault on our part – or so it seems. In painful circumstances, we naturally question, ‘Why me? Am I wrong? It’s not my fault!’ Such situations may feel like the very definition of suffering. In the book ‘Fault is of the Sufferer’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual solutions to common and everyday forms of suffering.
(English)(Gujarati)(Telugu) - The Flawless Vision (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 147 Pages)
The foundation of a spiritual life is to have a flawless view of the world and to achieve such vision, Self Realization is required. The knowledge of Self is the beginning of true spirituality. In the book ‘The Flawless Vision’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan states that an automatic outcome and one of the most prominent signs of spiritual awakening, is to have flawless vision of the entire world.
(English)(German)(Gujarati)(Hindi) - The Science Of Money (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 99 Pages)
The world considers money and wealth to be one of the most important things in life because it is needed in everything. Mostly conflicts around the world are about how to get more money, by ethical or unethical means. In the book ‘The Science of Money,’ Gnani Purush Dadashri has shared His view on money, charity and how to use money. He says that wealth comes to those who have the desire to share.
(English)(Gujarati (Abr))(German)(Hindi) - The Science Of Money (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 457 Pages)
In this era, it is very difficult to remain ethical and honest in matters of money. In this book, ‘Money: Science of Money (Granth)’ Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan discusses the science of money, how to donate to charity and how to spend money. He says that, money is the reward of one’s merit karmas from one’s past life. He also says that wealth comes your way when you help others.
(Gujarati (Full Version)) - Tri Mantra (PDF, EPUB, MOBI – 45 Pages)
At the heart of world religion, and among the most powerful mantras in the history of religion, is the Navkar mantra, or Trimantra. In the book ‘Trimantra’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan explains the Trimantra, its mantra meaning, and the extraordinary benefits of its recitation which makes one experience inner peace and free from worries in everyday life.
(English)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Marathi)(Spanish) - Whatever Has Happened Is Justice (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 25 Pages)
There are times in life when we endure suffering due to no fault on our part. We wonder why lifes circumstances appear to be terribly unjust. In the book ‘Whatever Has Happened Is Justice’, Gnani Purush Dadashri offers guidance on how to resolve conflict created due to injustice with the understanding of who is ‘The Doer’, who is at fault, and what is the cause behind every instance of suffering.
(English)(German)(Telugu)(Gujarati)(Hindi)(Malayalam)(Marathi)(Spanish)(Portuguese)(Oriya) - Who Am I? (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 70 Pages)
What is our true purpose in life? Who am I? Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan addresses these age-old questions and many more here. Ultimately, attaining the knowledge of the Self is the primary purpose of life, and the beginning of true spirituality. Having gained Self knowledge, spiritual development begins, after which one may attain ultimate liberation.
(English)(Oriya)(Punjabi)(Gujarati)(German)(Hindi)(Malayalam)(Marathi)(Portuguese)(Spanish)(Telugu)(Bengali) - Worries (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook – 31 Pages)
In today’s world, worry, stress and anxiety seem to have become part of daily life. Everybody is looking for a way to get rid of worries. In the book ‘Worries’, Gnani Purush Dada Bhagwan offers unique spiritual insight into how to cope with anxiety, and how to live a spiritual life of no worries. For those wondering how to get inner peace, this book will prove an invaluable resource.
(English)(Bengali)(German)(Gujarati)(Marathi)(Oriya)(Punjabi)(Spanish)(Hindi) - Aptavani-13 (U) (PDF, EPUB, MOBI, Audiobook)
The essence of all scriptures, all spiritual discourses and spiritual activities is one and the same and that is to get the ‘awareness and the knowledge of Self’. The ‘main Self’ is shuddha (verily pure), but one has the wrong belief of “Who am I?” This wrong belief of I am Chandu (reader should use his name) has given rise to the prakruti (nature and characteristics of a person). Published in this book are the discussions of Param Pujya Dadashri (Master of Spiritual Science) on various aspects of pragyna, raag-dwesh, like-dislike, vitragta, gyan-agyan, darshan (vision) and such other aspects of the knowledge of the Self. This book is an eye-opener to the science of prakruti and the Self.

Akram Vignan
the science of Self Realization as expounded by the Gnani Purush Shree Ambalal Muljibhai Patel, fondly known as Param Pujya Dadashri or Dada Bhagwan.
We hope this list of ebooks expanded your mind, body and soul, giving you greater insights and a broader set of spiritual awareness. However you would choose to approach this set of knowledge, we will leave it to you, as any free knowledge is good to be explored with the potential of something new to be found. Happy reading and self-discovering.
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