5 Free Science Ebooks

5 Free Science Ebooks
by Various Authors
These ebooks include:-
- Air Pollution – New Developments by Anca Maria Moldoveanu
- Biomass and Remote Sensing of Biomass by Islam Atazadeh
- Advances in Ceramics – Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment by Assoc. Costas Sikalidis
- Climate Change – Research and Technology for Adaptation and Mitigation by Juan Blanco And Houshang Kheradmand
- Genetic Transformation by Maria Alvarez
by Anca Maria Moldoveanu
Today, an important issue is environmental pollution, especially air pollution. Due to pollutants present in air, human health as well as animal health and vegetation may suffer. The book can be divided in two parts. The first half presents how the environmental modifications induced by air pollution can have an impact on human health by inducing modifications in different organs and systems and leading to human pathology.
This part also presents how environmental modifications induced by air pollution can influence human health during pregnancy. The second half of the book presents the influence of environmental pollution on animal health and vegetation and how this impact can be assessed (the use of the micronucleus tests on TRADESCANTIA to evaluate the genotoxic effects of air pollution, the use of transplanted lichen PSEUDEVERNIA FURFURACEA for biomonitoring the presence of heavy metals, the monitoring of epiphytic lichen biodiversity to detect environmental quality and air pollution, etc). The book is recommended to professionals interested in health and environmental issues.
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Air Pollution – New Developments – 324 pages, 25,74 MB (PDF)
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by Islam Atazadeh
Generally, the term biomass is used for all materials originating from photosynthesis. However, biomass can equally apply to animals. Conservation and management of biomass is very important. There are various ways and methods for biomass evaluation. One of these methods is remote sensing. Remote sensing provides information about biomass, but also about biodiversity and environmental factors estimation over a wide area.
The great potential of remote sensing has received considerable attention over the last few decades in many different areas in biological sciences including nutrient status assessment, weed abundance, deforestation, glacial features in Arctic and Antarctic regions, depth sounding of coastal and ocean depths, and density mapping. The salient features of the book include: Several aspects of biomass study and survey Use of remote sensing for evaluation of biomass Evaluation of carbon storage in ecosystems Evaluation of primary productivity through case studies
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Biomass and Remote Sensing of Biomass – 262 pages, 17 MB (PDF)
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by Assoc. Costas Sikalidis
The current book consists of twenty-four chapters divided into three sections. Section I includes fourteen chapters in electric and magnetic ceramics which deal with modern specific research on dielectrics and their applications, on nanodielectrics, on piezoceramics, on glass ceramics with para-, anti- or ferro-electric active phases, of varistors ceramics and magnetic ceramics.
Section II includes seven chapters in bioceramics which include review information and research results/data on biocompatibility, on medical applications of alumina, zirconia, silicon nitride, ZrO2, bioglass, apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic and b-tri-calcium phosphate.
Section III includes three chapters in applications of ceramics in environmental improvement and protection, in water cleaning, in metal bearing wastes stabilization and in utilization of wastes from ceramic industry in concrete and concrete products.
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Advances in Ceramics – Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment – 550 pages, 45,22 MB (PDF)
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by Juan Blanco And Houshang Kheradmand
This book provides an interdisciplinary view of how to prepare the ecological and socio-economic systems to the reality of climate change. Scientifically sound tools are needed to predict its effects on regional, rather than global, scales, as it is the level at which socio-economic plans are designed and natural ecosystem reacts.
The first section of this book describes a series of methods and models to downscale the global predictions of climate change, estimate its effects on biophysical systems and monitor the changes as they occur. To reduce the magnitude of these changes, new ways of economic activity must be implemented.
The second section of this book explores different options to reduce greenhouse emissions from activities such as forestry, industry and urban development. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that climate change can be minimized, but not avoided, and therefore the socio-economic systems around the world will have to adapt to the new conditions to reduce the adverse impacts to the minimum. The last section of this book explores some options for adaptation.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Climate Change – Research and Technology for Adaptation and Mitigation – 488 pages, 32,54 MB (PDF)
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by Maria Alvarez
Genetic transformation of plants has revolutionized both basic and applied plant research. Plant molecular biology and physiology benefit from this power fool, as well as biotechnology. This book is a review of some of the most significant achievements that plant transformation has brought to the fields of Agrobacterium biology, crop improvement and, flower, fruit and tree amelioration. Also, it examines their impact on molecular farming, phytoremediation and RNAi tools.
Click on the link below to start downloading this free ebook:-
Genetic Transformation – 328 pages, 15,29 MB (PDF)
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