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331 Free JAVA Ebooks Covering 16 Different Categories
![331 Free JAVA Ebooks Covering 16 Different Categories](https://www.getfreeebooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/fi-java-t-1280x640.jpg)
Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language that is designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is a general-purpose programming language intended to let application developers write once, run anywhere, meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. Most often, Java is used to build large enterprise class applications. Java works great within corporate environments, or if you’re building a very large scale system. Although it can be used for small tasks, it’s less suited for that. In total, there are over 5 billion Java Cards in use. This extends beyond the realm of computers and mobile devices. 125 million television devices run Java. Meanwhile, Java continues to be the most used development platform.
Although its initial release was nearly 30 years ago, Java is still one of the most in-demand and useful programming languages in modern technology. In fact, it holds the rank of number one in 2019 in a study conducted by CodingDojo and took the top spot in the TIOBE Index for February of 2020.
One of most common question that is frequently asked is the difference between Javascript and Java. JavaScript is a (very) distant cousin of Java in that it is also an OOP language. Many of their programming structures are similar. However, JavaScript contains a much smaller and simpler set of commands than does Java. It is easier for the average weekend warrior to understand.
In this post, we’ve compiled 331 free JAVA ebooks, online documents, guides and tutorials from 16 different categories including General, Basic, Advanced Java, Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition, Java Me, Security, Multimedia, Java Web Programming, Java Distributed Computing And Networking, Java Gui Programming, Java Web Frameworks, Javascript Frameworks, Web Services, Java Build + Testing + Deployment, Design Patterns & Android Development And Programming.. Expect duplicates along the way as certain titles may belong to more than one category. Happy coding!
Related – 64 Free Javascript Ebooks and Tutorials or just search our site for more Java goodies.
- A Beginners Guide To RMI by Universal Teacher
- Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java Components by Will Iverson
- Bleeding at the Keyboard : A Guide to Modern Programming with Java by Gregory Rawlins
- Blue Pelican Java by Charles E. Cook
- Brewing Java: A Tutorial by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF by Gerd Wagner, Mircea Diaconescu
- Building Java Executables by Universal Teacher
- Concurrent Programming Using Java by Stephen J. Hartley
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java by Clifford A. Shaffer
- Design Patterns in Java Tutorial by TutorialsPoint.com
- Essentials of the Java Programming Language by Monica Pawlan
- Foundations of Jini 2 Programming by Jan Newmarch
- Gecko DOM Reference by Mozilla
- Getting Started with Grails Second Edition by Scott Davis, Jason Rudolph
- Getting started with pureQuery by Vitor Rodrigues, Zeus Courtois, Heather Lamb, Christina Sheets, Kathryn Zeidenstein
- Google Web Toolkit and App Engine Book by Google GWT and GAE team
- Herong’s Tutorial Notes on Swing by Dr. Herong Yang
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist Java Version by Allen B. Downey
- Inside the Java Virtual Machine by Bill Venners
- Interactive Programming In Java by Lynn Andrea Stein
- Interface Design Best Practices in Object-Oriented API Design in Java by Bill Venners
- Introduction to Computer Science using Java 5.0 version by Bradley Kjell
- Introduction to Java and OOA/OOD for Web Applications by Alvin J. Alexander
- Introduction to Programming in Java by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
- Introduction to Programming Using Java by David J. Eck
- Introduction to Web Services with Java by Kiet T. Tran, PhD
- JAAS In Action by Michael Cote
- Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz
- Java Au Naturel: Guide to Object Oriented Design by William C. Jones
- Java Data Structures (2nd edition) by Particle
- Java Distributed Computing by Jim Farley
- Java for Python Programmers by Brad Miller
- Java in a Nutshell by David Flanagan
- Java Persistence by James Sutherland, Doug Clarke
- Java Precisely by Peter Sestoft
- Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents by Yakov Fain
- Java Structures: Data Structures in Java for the Principled Programmer by Duane A. Bailey
- Java Testing and Design by Frank Cohen
- Java Transaction Design Strategies by Mark Richards
- Java Web Programming with Eclipse by Dr. David Turner and Dr. Jinseok Chae
- Java: Classes in Java Applications – An Introduction to Java Programming by David Etheridge
- Java: Graphical User Interfaces – An Introduction to Java Programming by David Etheridge
- Java: The Fundamentals of Objects and Classes – An Introduction to Java Programming by David Etheridge
- Jeff Heaton’s Deep Learning Course by Jeff Heaton
- JXTA by Brendon J. Wilson
- Karel J. Robot by Joseph Bergin, Mark Stehlik, Jim Roberts and Richard Pattis
- Killer Game Programming in Java by Andrew Davison
- Object Oriented Programming using Java by Simon Kendal
- Object-oriented Programming in Java by Richard L. Halterman
- On to Java by Patrick Henry Winston and Sundar Narasimhan
- OOP – Learn Object Oriented Thinking and Programming by Rudolf Pecinovsky
- Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java by Mark Watson
- Pro Java 6 3D Game Development by Andrew Davison
- Processing XML with Java by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Processing XML with Java by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Programming Principles in Java: Architectures and Interfaces by David Schmidt
- Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code by Gary McGraw, Edward W. Felten
- Starting Struts 2 by Ian Roughley
- Sun Certified Java Programmer Pre-Exam Essentials by Dylan Walsh
- The Java Tutorial Fourth Edition by Sharon Zakhour, Scott Hommel, Jacob Royal, Isaac Rabinovitch, Tom Risser and Mark Hoeber
- The Java Virtual Machine Specification, 2nd Edition by Tim Lindholm, Frank Yellin
- The JFC Swing Tutorial Second Edition by Kathy Walrath, Mary Campione, Alison Huml and Sharon Zakhour
- The JHipster Mini-Book 2.0 by Matt Raible
- The Ugly JavaScript Book by John H. Keyes
- A Gentle Introduction to Java Programming by Andrew Cumming
- Bleeding at the Keyboard: A Guide to Modern Programming with Java by Gregory J. E. Rawlins
- Brewing Java: A Tutorial by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Computer Scientist Through Java by Allen B. Downey
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java, 3rd Edition by Clifford A. Shaffer
- Essential Java by Rahul Batra
- Essentials of the Java Programming Language: A Hands-On Guide by Monica Pawlan
- Essentials of the Java Programming Language: A Hands-On Guide by Monica Pawlan
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: JAVA Programming by Allen B. Downey
- Interactive Programming In Java by Lynn Andrea Stein
- Introduction to Computer Science using Java by Bradley Kjell
- Introduction to Java and OOA/OOD for Web Applications by Alvin J. Alexander
- Introduction to Programming in Java: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne
- Introduction to Programming Using Java by David J. Eck
- Java – Servlets – JSP by V. Mukhi, S. Mukhi, N. Kotecha
- Java Au Naturel by Dr. William C. Jones, Jr.
- Java FAQ Topics by jGuru
- Java for Python Programmers by Brad Miller
- Java for the Beginning Programmer by Jeff Heaton
- Java Programming by Wikibooks Contributors
- Java Programming for Kids, Parents and Grandparents by Yakov Fain
- Java Structures: Data Structures in Java for the Programmers by Duane A. Bailey
- Java Web Programming with Eclipse (David Turner, et al) by David Turner and Jinseok Chae
- Java with BlueJ by Ron McFadyen
- Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving by Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde
- Java, Java, Java: Object-Oriented Problem Solving, 3rd Edition by R. Morelli and R. Walde
- Java: Classes in Java Applications – An Introduction to Java by David Etheridge
- Java: Graphical User Interfaces – Introduction to Java Programming by David Etheridge
- O’Reilly® The Java Reference Library CD Bookshelf by O’Reilly & Associates
- O’Reilly® Think Java: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist by Allen B. Downey, Chris Mayfield
- Object oriented Program Design and Software Engineering with Java by Dave Goddeau
- Object Oriented Programming using Java by Simon Kendal
- Object-oriented Programming in Java by Richard L. Halterman
- Open Data Structures: An Introduction, in Java and C++ by Pat Morin
- SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 by Katherine Sierra, Bert Bates
- SCJP: Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform Study Guide by Richard F. Raposa
- The Art and Science of Java by Eric Roberts
- The Difference between JDKs by mdoar
- The Java Tutorial by Mary Campione, Kathy Walrath
- The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics by Raymond Gallardo, Sharon Zakhour, et al
- A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks using Java and SNIPE by David Kriesel
- Apache Jakarta Commons Reusable Java Components by Will Iverson
- Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design (in Java and Python) by Steven F. Lott
- CICS and the JVM server: Developing and Deploying Java Apps by Chris Rayns, George Burgess, Scott Clee, Tom Grieve, John Taylor
- Coding Conventions for Java by Peter King, Patrick Naughton, Mike DeMoney, Jonni Kanerva, Kathy Walrath, and Scott Hommel.
- Compiling Scala for the Java Virtual Machine by Michel Schinz
- Concurrent Programming: The Java Programming Language by Stephen J. Hartley
- Essentials of the Java Programming Language: A Hands-On Guide by Monica Pawlan
- Getting Started with JDBC API by Oracle Corporation
- HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots by Jeff Heaton
- InfoQ eMag: Java 8 by InfoQ
- Interface Design Best Practices in Object Oriented API Design in Java by Bill Venners
- Java Application Development for CICS by Chris Rayns, George Burgess, Scott Clee, Tom Grieve, John Taylor
- Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz
- Java Based Real Time Programming by Klas Nilsson
- Java Design Pattern: A Tutorial by James W. Cooper
- Java Language Specification, 2nd Edition by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha
- Java Persistence by Wikibooks Contributors
- JNDI API Tutorial: Building Directory-Enabled Java Applications by Rosanna Lee, Scott Seligman
- O’Reilly® Killer Game Programming in Java by Andrew Davison
- Objects and Java Building Object Oriented, Multi Threaded Applications with Java by Bill Venners
- OReillyreg; Java Books Chapters by Various authors
- Practical Artificial Intelligence Programming in Java by Mark Watson
- Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput and JOAL APIs by Andrew Davison
- Processing XML with Java by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Processing XML with Java: A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Exam 310-065 by Katherine Sierra, Bert Bates
- SCJP: Sun Certified Programmer for Java Platform Study Guide by Richard F. Raposa
- Securing Java by G. McGraw, E. Felten
- Spring by Example by David Winterfeldt, Vaan Nila
- Sun Certified Java Programmer Pre Exam Essentials by Dylan Walsh
- The Common Java Cookbook by Tim O’Brien
- UML for Java Programmers by Robert Cecil Martin
- Using JAAS for Authorization and Authentication by Dan Moore
- Virtual Machine Design and Implementation in C/C++ by Bill Blunden
- Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java Components by Will Iverson
- Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF by Gerd Wagner and Mircea Diaconescu
- CICS and the JVM server: Developing and Deploying Java Apps by Chris Rayns, George Burgess, Scott Clee, Tom Grieve, John Taylor
- Configuring Using Apache Tomcat by Coreservlets.com
- Core J2EE Patterns 2nd Edition by Deepak Alur, Dan Malks and John Crupi
- Core Servlets and Javaserver Pages by Marty Hall, Larry Brown
- Designing Enterprise Applications with the J2EE Platform by Inderjeet Singh, at al.
- Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform by Inderjeet Singh, at al.
- EJB Design Patterns by Floyd Marinescu
- EJB Design Patterns: Advanced Patterns, Processes, and Idioms by Floyd Marinescu
- Free Book: The Java EE 6 Tutorial Volume I 4th Edition by Eric Jendrock, Ian Evans, Devika Gollapudi, Kim Haase, Chinmayee Srivathsa
- Free eBook: Google App Engine Java Experiments by Romin K. Irani
- Good Relationships – The Spring Data Neo4j Guide Book by Michael Hunger
- HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots by Jeff Heaton
- Introduction to the J2EE Connector Architecture by Willy Farrell
- Introduction to Web Services with Java by Kiet T. Tran
- J2EE and XML Development by K. Gabrick, D. Weiss
- Jakarta Struts Live by Richard Hightower
- Java 2 Enterprise Edition by Vijay Mukhi
- Java 2 Enterprise Edition Developer’s Guide by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Java Application Development for CICS by Chris Rayns, George Burgess, Scott Clee, Tom Grieve, John Taylor
- Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) in Action by Michael Cote
- Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I by Eric Jendrock, at al.
- Java Enterprise BluePrints by Oracle Technology Network
- Java Enterprise Book by Dan Moore
- Java Management Extensions (JMX) Technology Tutorial by Oracle Corporation
- Java Message Service API Tutorial and Reference by Mark Hapner, Rich Burridge, Rahul Sharma, Joseph Fialli, Kim Haase
- Java Persistence by Wikibooks Contributors
- Java Servlets JSP by Vijay Mukhi
- Java Transaction Design Strategies by Mark Richards
- JNDI API Tutorial and Reference: Building Directory-Enabled Apps by Rosanna Lee, Scott Seligman
- LaLiLuna Tutorials for Struts, EJB, MyEclipse, etc by Sebastian Hennebrueder
- Managing Information Access to an Enterprise Information System Using J2EE and Services Oriented Architecture by William Moore, Corville Allen, Ralf Bracht, Sook Chua, Daniel Koch and Donato Marrazzo
- Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 by R. P. Sriganesh, G. Brose, M. Silverman
- More Servlets and JavaServer Pages by Marty Hall
- O’Reilly® The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf – 7 Bestselling Books by O’Reilly & Associates
- O’Reillyreg; The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf by O’Reilly and Associates
- Pairing Apache Shiro and Java EE 7 by Nebrass Lamouchi
- Patterns: Integrating WebSphere ILOG JRules with IBM Software by Chris Rayns, Andy Ritchie, Sriram Balakrishnan, Daniel Donnelly, Kallol Ghosh, et al
- Processing XML with Java: A Guide to SAX, DOM, JDOM, JAXP by Elliotte Rusty Harold
- Servlets and JavaServer Pages: The J2EE Technology Web Tier by Jayson Falkner and Kevin W. Jones
- Spring by Example by David Winterfeldt
- The Common Java Cookbook by Tim O’Brien
- The J2EE 1.4 Tutorial by Eric Armstrong, at al.
- The J2EE Architect’s Handbook by Derek C. Ashmore
- The Java EE 6 Tutorial by Eric Jendrock, Debbie Carson, Ian Evans, Devika Gollapudi, Kim Haase, Chinmayee Srivathsa
- The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I by Oracle Corporation
- The Java EE 7 Tutorial by Eric Jendrock, Ricardo Cervera-Navarro, Ian Evans, Kim Haase, William Markito, Chinmayee Srivathsa
- The Java Web Services Tutorial (PDF) by Eric Armstrong, et al
- The Java Web Services Tutorial (HTML) by Eric Armstrong, et al
- The JNDI Tutorial: Building Directory-Enabled Java Applications by Rosanna Lee and Scott Seligman
- Tutorial: Hibernate, Spring, HSQL, Eclipse and Maven by AuthorsArulkumaran Kumaraswamipillai, Sivayini Arulkumaran
- UML for Java Programmers by Robert Cecil Martin
- Using JAAS for Authorization and Authentication by Dan Moore
- Using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition 2.1 by IBM Corporation
- Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Java EE Platform by Ian Evans
- Application development with J2ME by Rekha Vaddepalli
- Distributed Gaming using J2ME by Dan Moore
- J2ME Java on the Mobile Phone by Vijay Mukhi
- J2ME Programming by Frank Bentley
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) in Action by Michael Cote
- Javas Security Architecture by Bill Venners
- O’Reilly® Java Security by Scott Oaks
- Pairing Apache Shiro and Java EE 7 by Nebrass Lamouchi
- Securing Java: Getting Down to Business with Mobile Code by Gary McGraw, Edward W. Felten
- Using JAAS for Authorization and Authentication by Dan Moore
- Building Java Programs by Stuart Reges, Marty Stepp
- Evaluating Java for Game Development by Jacob Marner
- Getting Started with the Java 3D API by Dennis J. Bouvier
- Java Sound Programmer Guide by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Java Speech API Programmer’s Guide by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Java Swing Tutorial by Jan Bodnar
- Killer Game Programming in Java by Andrew Davison
- Pro Java 6 3D Game Development by Andrew Davison
- Programming in Java Advanced Imaging by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF by Gerd Wagner and Mircea Diaconescu
- Complete Hibernate 3.x Tutorial by RoseIndia
- Configuring and Using Apache Tomcat by Coreservlets.com
- Core Servlets and Javaserver Pages: Core Technologies, 2nd Ed. by Marty Hall, Larry Brown
- Core Web Programming, 2nd Edition by Marty Hall, Larry Brown
- Hibernate API (Javadoc) by hibernate.org
- Hibernate Reference Documentation by Gavin King, Christian Bauer, Max Rydahl Andersen, Emmanuel Bernard, and Steve Ebersole
- Hibernate Tutorial by hibernate.org
- Introduction to Spring Framework by Rod Johnson
- Java Servlet Programming by Jason Hunter and William Crawford
- Java Servlets and JSP by Vijay Mukhi
- Java Web Programming with Eclipse by David Turner and Jinseok Chae
- JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tutorials by RoseIndia
- JavaServer Faces (JSF) Tutorials Mirror by Coreservlets.com
- More Servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP) by Marty Hall
- Servlets and JavaServer Pages: The J2EE Technology Web Tier by Jayson Falkner and Kevin Jones
- Spring Framework API (Javadoc) by Spring.io
- Spring MVC Tutorial by Matt Raible
- Tag Libraries Tutorial by Oracle Corporation
- The Complete Spring Tutorial by RoseIndia
- The JHipster Mini-Book 2.0 by Matt Raible
- Beej’s Guide to Network Programming by Brian Hall
- Foundations of Jini 2 Programming by Jan Newmarch
- HTTP Programming Recipes for Java Bots by Jeff Heaton
- Jan Newmarch’s Guide to JINI Technologies by Jan Newmarch
- Java Distributed Computing by Jim Farley
- Java Dynamic Networking with Jini Technology by Jennifer Kotzen
- Java Dynamic Networking with Jini Technology P by Jennifer Kotzen
- Java Message Service API Tutorial and Reference by Mark Hapner, Rich Burridge, Rahul Sharma, Joseph Fialli, Kim Haase
- JNDI API Tutorial and Reference: Building Directory-Enabled Apps by Rosanna Lee, Scott Seligman
- Lecture Notes of Java Distributed Computing by R. Whitney
- O’Reilly® Java Distributed Computing by Jim Farley
- The JXTA Book by Brendon J. Wilson
- The JXTA Book by Brendon J. Wilson
- Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing by Oracle Corporation
- GUI Programming in Java by Chris North
- Java 2D Graphics by Oracle Corporation
- Java AWT Reference by John Zukowski
- Java Design Pattern: A Tutorial by James W. Cooper
- Java Swing Gui Tutorial by Chee K. Yap
- Java Swing Tutorial by Jan Bodnar
- Java: Graphical User Interfaces – An Introduction to Java by David Etheridge
- O’Reilly® Killer Game Programming in Java by Andrew Davison
- Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput, etc. by Andrew Davison
- The JFC Swing FAQ Mirror by Bill Wake
- The JFC Swing Tutorial: A Guide to Constructing GUIs by Kathy Walrath, Mary Campione, Alison Huml, and Sharon Zakhour
- Building Back-End Web Apps with Java, JPA and JSF by Gerd Wagner and Mircea Diaconescu
- Demystifying Jakarta Struts by Marty Hall
- Exploring Lift by Derek Chen-Becker, Marius Danciu, Tyler Weir
- Getting Started with Grails, Second Edition by Scott Davis, Jason Rudolph
- Google App Engine Java Experiments by Romin K. Irani
- Jakarta Struts 1.2 Tutorial by Marty Hall
- Jakarta Struts Live by Rick Hightower
- Jakarta Struts Live by Rick Hightower
- Java Server Faces (JSF) Tutorial by Tutorials Point
- LaLiLuna Tutorials for Struts, EJB, MyEclipse, etc by Sebastian Hennebrueder
- O’Reilly® Lift Cookbook by Richard Dallaway
- Simply Lift by David Pollak
- Spring by Example by David Winterfeldt, Vaan Nila
- Starting Struts 2 by Ian Roughley
- The Complete Apache Struts Tutorial by RoseIndia
- The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) and App Engine (GAE) Book by Google GWT and GAE team
- The Google Web Toolkit (GWT) Programming Cookbook by Java Code Geeks
- The JHipster Mini-Book 2.0 by Matt Raible
- Backbone Tutorials by Thomas Davis
- Bootstrap Programming Cookbook by Fabio Cimo
- Building Front-End Apps with AngularJS and Parse.com by Bo Li and Gerd Wagner
- D3 Tips and Tricks v4.x by Malcolm Maclean
- D3 Tips and Tricks: Interactive Data Visualization in Web Browsers by Malcolm Maclean
- jQuery Fundamentals by Rebecca Murphey
- Leaflet Tips and Tricks: Interactive Maps with leaflet.js by Malcolm Maclean
- O’Reilly® What Is Node? JavaScript Breaks Out of the Browser by Brett McLaughlin
- SurviveJS – React: an Introduction by Juho Vepsalainen
- SurviveJS – Webpack: From Apprentice to Master by Juho Vepsäläinen
- The Node Beginner Book: A Comprehensive Node.js Tutorial by Manuel Kiessling
- Your First Meteor Application: A Complete Beginner’s Guide by David Turnbull
- APIs on Rails – Building REST APIs with Rails by Abraham Kuri
- Designing Web Services with the J2EE™ 1.4: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML by Inderjeet Singh, Sean Brydon, Greg Murray, Vijay Ramachandran, Thierry Violleau, Beth Stearns
- Improving Web Services Security: Scenarios and Implementation by J.D. Meier, Carlos Farre, Jason Taylor, Prashant Bansode, Steve Gregersen, Madhu Sundararajan, Rob Boucher
- InfoQ Explores: REST by InfoQ
- Introduction to Web Services with Java by Kiet T. Tran
- O’Reilly® Restful Web Services by Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby
- Pro Web 2.0 Mashups: Remixing Data and Web Services by Raymond Yee
- Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services (SCDJWS) Study Guide by Mikalai Zaikin
- The Java Web Services Tutorial by Eric Armstrong, et al
- Web Service and SOA Technologies by Glenn Hostetler, Sandor Hasznos
- XML WebServices and SOAP by Vikram Ramchand, Sonal Mukhi
- Apache Jakarta Commons: Reusable Java Components by Will Iverson
- Google App Engine Java Experiments by Romin K. Irani
- Java Application Development on Linux by Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz
- Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) in Action by Michael Cote
- Java Native Interface: Programmer’s Guide and Specification by Sheng Liang
- Java Web Application Development With Click Framework by Wikibooks
- Java Web Programming with Eclipse by David Turner, Jinseok Chae
- Java with BlueJ by Ron McFadyen
- Naked Objects by Richard Pawson, Robert Matthews
- Spring by Example by David Winterfeldt, Vaan Nila
- The Hudson Book: An Open Source Continous Integration Server by Manfred Moser, Tim O’Brien
- Tutorial: Hibernate, Spring, HSQL, Eclipse and Maven by A. Kumaraswamipillai, S. Arulkumaran
- Adaptive Object Oriented Software Patterns for Adaptive Programming (AP) by Karl J. Lieberherr
- Design Patterns Dictionary in C by DoFactory
- EJB Design Patterns by F. Marinescu
- Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler
- Perl Design Patterns Summary by Christopher Alexander
- Thinking in Patterns with Java by Bruce Eckel
- Android 4.4 App Development Essentials by Neil Smyth
- Android Application Development for the Intel® Platform by Ryan Cohen, Tao Wang
- Android on x86: Optimizing for Intel Architecture by Iggy Krajci (Author), Darren Cummings (Author)
- Android Studio Development Essentials – Android 6 Edition by Neil Smyth
- Android Studio Development Essentials by Neil Smyth
- Creating Mobile Apps with Xamarin.Forms by Charles Petzold
- GUI Design for Android Apps by Ryan Cohen, Tao Wang
- Kindle Fire Development Essentials by Neil Smyth
- O’Reilly® Android Cookbook by Ian F. Darwin
- The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development by Mark L. Murphy
- The Complete Android Guide by Kevin Purdy