259 Free Humor & Comedy Ebooks

As cliche as it sounds, laughter is in fact the best medicine – it reduces stress, releases feel-good brain chemicals, which also relieve pain. It triggers and releases endorphins, the brain chemicals known for their feel-good effect. Endorphins can also be simply triggered by faking laughter and joining in meaningless laughing sessions with friends and even strangers. Let’s face it, we don’t really need to be humored just to laugh these days. Nonetheless, humor, jokes, comedy or funny elements are not in short supply these days as we can find it in wide variety of mediums, including one of the oldest information hubs – books. As obvious as it is, humor can come in many forms, whether it’s from the typical fiction created by one’s wild imagination, non-fictions or even in poems. “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” – Charlie Chaplin
The bursts of laughter are more often than not goes to the extreme if the passage or story are relatable with our own past experiences. That sense of understanding, or even predicament gives us that extra kick on how we literally visualize the meaning behind laughing at our past mistakes. Well it’s just in our nature to use others as subjects for our humor. As Will Rogers once said – “Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else.” Of course, all of us have different tastes and varying thresholds of humor, so proceed with caution, although the humor level in this free ebook compilation is general in nature and nothing beyond extreme. Ultimately, to those who are searching something lighter, enjoyable moments that don’t push you off the chair or give you sleepless nights, we hope this quite long list of free books will fill your reading schedule very nicely.

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.”
– Charlie Chaplin
Of course within all genres, there are sub-genres – sub-categories that specifically identifies deeper niches that one might be interested in. In this case, we would use comedy as the genre instead of humor, as humor is a part of comedy. Among the sub-genres include alternative, black, blue, character, christian, comedy-drama, cringe, dark, documentary, high / low, horror, insult, observational, physical, prop, shock, sick, sketch, slapstick, stoner, surreal, tragicomedy, zombie and many more. We guess humor is universal and non-discriminatory, as it’s timeless and requires no specific event and period to be triggered. You can smile and laugh even when you’re in danger, hanging from a thin thread for your life, and from great and true happiness.
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“Everything is funny, as long as it’s happening to somebody else.” – Will Rogers
Warning! Long list below, so be prepared to scroll down for quite some time. Yes, 259 of them, and all of them are free and ready to be read either as online web serials, or as downloadable PDFs. Mostly are online reads though, but hey they’re free and most definitely interesting reads. Some of the sites might be still “under construction” or “in progress”, we guess we’ll just include them as they’re worth the wait. While you’re in the author’s site, reading and getting those smiles out, please do try and support the author by purchasing their Kindle or other paperbacks to support them and give them that motivational and figurative kick to get them moving to write more awesome stuffs. Hope you enjoy the list below:-
- A Bad Idea by Billy Higgins Peery
- A Dragon Gnawing Its Tail by _GD_
- A Fox at Heart by GeneralPhone
- A Murmur in Mumbles by L.B. Lane III
- A Parody Outline of History by Donald Ogden Stewart
- A Plague of Hearts by Patrick Whittaker
- A Rake by Starlight by C. B. Wright
- A Small Life by Suki
- A Town Called Disdain by Dan Leo
- Absolute Vampire by S.A. Devlin
- Adam Maxwell’s Fiction Lounge by Adam Maxwell
- After Kate by Mousie
- After-School Detectives by E. H. Lau
- Agent Shield and Spaceman by Morgan Crooks
- And by Edward Picot
- Ascension VR by azrealth
- Autonomy by Wijbren van Tuinen
- Babe Ruth: Man-Tank Gladiator by Dave Lerner
- Bagels, Barry Bonds, and Rotten Politicians by Burton S. Blumert
- Black Moon by Snowangel
- Blades & Barriers by Drew Hayes
- Blame Cupid by SummerGlam
- BOGANS WITH CASH by Ronsie Mcgregor
- Boskeopolis Stories by J. J. W. Mezun
- Busted Axle Road by Wes Boyd
- Castle Terribel by John Ball
- Children of the Apocalypse by Skyla Dawn Cameron
- Cirno and Purple Steve by 21stcenturydigitalboy
- Cold Ghost by Eva Shandor
- Contrarion by Anton Shine
- Corpse Wars by Al Bruno III
- Crescendo Cove by Greg Weir
- Crooked Swords by Rob Hutton
- Cul de Sac Blues by Guy Wonders
- Curio Killed the Cat by Skyla Dawn Cameron
- Cutler Phiney Stories by Ross K. George
- Danbr & Burke by Edward Edwards
- Darkside by S.K.S. Perry
- Das Orbit by leo vladimirsky
- Dated by Wes Grogan
- Denham’s Dentifrice by Phineas Clockword
- Detling Adventures by Christian Neuhaus
- Dick Moriarty: PI by John Clifford
- Dirigible Ditties by Samazing
- Dog Walker II: Shadow Pack by Jack McGuigan
- Dragomir’s Diary by Matt Bird
- Dream World Collective by Ben Y. Faroe (38 chapters)
- Eikasia by Illise Montoya
- Elevenses: The Daring Exploits of Secret Agents 1111 and 711 by A Lady and A Gentleman
- Estimated Time of Arrival, Vol III by Sol Mann
- Et Alia by Eren Reverie
- Everybody Loves Large Chests by Exterminatus
- Evolution of a Ball of Light by Vambient
- Existential Terror and Breakfast by Rev. Fitz
- Fabled Hearts by SnowyMystic
- Fabled Hearts by SnowyMystic
- Falling In Grudge by Minnie Tinkie
- Falling Through the Multiverse by David Schloss
- Fantasia by unice5656
- Firestarter by Turniper
- flesh phantoms by Alan P. Scott
- Fortress Seven by Kyleli
- From the Journals of Bent Magnus by Milledge / Garduño
- Frotwoot’s Faerie Tales by Charlie Ward
- Future Cults by re/search/er
- Gamer Girl by Joe Berridge Beale
- Gargoyle by Stevebot-7
- Getting Hard by _GD_
- Grin The Cheat by mooderino
- Happily Amber After by Amber Dean
- Harbour City by Bryce Hepburn
- Harold the Talking Flower by Sidney Van Duinen
- Hazel and Holly by Sara C. Snider
- Hell’s Kitchen Sink by Hell’s Kitchen Sink
- Ho Springs by Pamela Redmond Satran
- Hotfoot by Graham Harrington
- How Do You QA Test a Tsundere Android!? by DarkClaymore
- How I Killed Off My Ex-Wife … by John Wood
- How To Avoid Death On A Daily Basis by mooderino
- How To Be Good At Things and … by Archibald Grant
- How to be Happy Though Married by Edward John Hardy
- How to Build a Career and Find Happiness During a Recession by Anonymous
- How to Survive a Summoning 101 by Durrendal
- I hate being wed in a fantasy world! by kentusrpg
- I Hraet You by Voltech44
- In A Parallel World With Random Skills, I Reluctantly Become A Mafia Boss? by SlashCrit
- Insightful Ape by Nicholas Perilli
- It’s Christmas Time by Annie Qiu
- Itsy Bitsy Fritsy by Scott Carpenter
- J.B.’s NYC Internet Adventure by Smile-Up
- Jade by aaronsenser
- Joe Miller’s Jest Book by Mark Lemon
- Karl and the Prankster God by Alex Ford
- Kinda Super Gay by Billy Higgins
- Last Resort by Heather Lea
- Life in Hyperion by John Maxwell
- Life, Love, and a Polar Bear Tattoo by Heather Wardell
- Lightning Does Strike Twice by Arcdime
- Loan Some by Megan McLachlan
- LOL!…please? by N.M.Avila
- Love Hurts by Russell Taylor
- Lysistrata by Aristophanes
- Magestic by Geoff Wolak
- Magical Security Taskforce by Adam Pulver
- Maou the Yuusha by VaanCruze
- Mayan Calendar Girls by Team 2012
- MerStory by CM Alfonso
- Messenger in a Bottle by Jason Wileman
- MODOC – Metal Organism Designed Only for Cuddling by Thaddeus Howze
- Mostly Dead Girls by Maureen T.
- Mouse on the Mic by Andre Clemons
- Mulberries on the Edge of Forever by Brad Boesen (4 chapters)
- Murder on Anonomy, a Blovella by Anonomy the Blovelist
- My Annoying Aura Follows Me Into Another World by SlashCrit
- My Stupid Journal by Daisy Tannenbaum
- Mysterious Ways: A Divine Comedy by Daniel Piros
- New Sentinels by Rachel Evil McCall
- Night Switch by Flak
- No One’s Hero by J. Tyler
- Noli Me Tank in a Mall by Carlo Marco
- North of Happenstance by Amber Laura
- Notorious by Robert C. Rodgers
- Odd & Ends by Jordan_Severns
- Oh God the Rapture Is Burning by DJay32
- Oktober by Vak Beacon
- Outcasts of Alyvion by Archer M. Smith and CCBen Jones
- Outliers by knifleman
- Peace by Aristophanes
- Philly Gayborhood by rd1982
- Playing The Bad Boy’s Game (Book 1 / Part 1) by Fresh
- Plutus by Aristophanes
- Price Breaks and Heartaches by Al Bruno III
- Pseudofunk by Red McCloud
- Quiet and Antagonism by K25fF
- Railroad Train to Heaven by Dan Leo
- Rate Me Red by Richie Chevat
- Re:Write by Who Cares?
- Reapers of Eden by Zero
- Rebels Without a Clue by David Brashear
- Red. by Alexis Ziao
- Rowena’s Page by S. D. Youngren
- Saving Christmas: Slay Bells by Hugh Sullivan
- Scary Mary by S.A. Hunter (14 chapters)
- Shadow by Chris George
- Sheltered by Dennis J Pale
- Sheryl Holmes’ 221B Baker Detective Agency by E. H. Lau
- Simon of Space by Cheeseburger Brown
- Smile and Memorize by Sudhanshu Singhal
- So, Reincarnation Didn’t Work Like I Thought by Viirin
- Space Slugs by Frances Pauli (42 chapters)
- Special People by Tim Sevenhuysen
- Splat by jeanne
- SPYGOD’s Tales by SPYGOD
- Stalking Shadows by S.A. Hunter
- Stop Calling Me A Demon King by BakaGrappler
- Stories In Pieces by Leigh Chandler
- Strange Things: A… by Andrew Murphy
- Stuck Station by John Crandall
- SuperMegaNet by Jesse Gordon
- Surf City Acid Drop by Craig Terlson
- Suzie’s House by Alice Audrey
- SyncPoint by J.A. Waters
- Tales from The Side by Tandy Ellen Gutierrez
- tales of the hotel st crispian by Dan Leo and rhoda penmarq
- Taylor’s Polynomials by Gregory Taylor
- Tell The Groom by Andy Cox (52 chapters)
- Thalia’s Musings by Amethyst Marie
- That One Time I Went on a Quest by jialunqi
- That’s So Wizard by Erik McKinnon
- The Abandoned by JFantasyBooks
- The Acharnians by Aristophanes
- The Adventures of a Freshman by Jesse Lynch Williams
- The Adventures of Cletus by TheRealCletusClemens
- The Adventures of Glass by Grace Elizabeth Baker
- The Adventures of Little Richard and Tangles by Daniel Kilkelly
- The Archive Of Unusual Events by Stable
- The Astonishing Adventures of Lord Likely by Andy Fanton
- The Bentlefay Papers by Kathy Monahan
- The Best Short Stories of Cliff Burns (1985-2009) by Cliff Burns
- The Birds by Aristophanes
- The Blue Mage Raised by Dragons by Virlyce
- The Brass Bottle by F. Anstey
- The Butterfly Diaries by Abigail Tight
- The Chronicles of Daemon by J. Tyler
- The Clouds by Aristophanes
- The Cow and The Moon: Illustrated by A.C Louis
- The Crux of Human Suffering by Edge363
- The Cynic’s Rules of Conduct by Chester Field Jr.
- The Dare Diaries by Rosalie Stone
- The Devil’s Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce
- The Diary of a Nobody by George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith
- The Ecclesiazusae by Aristophanes
- The Exiles Ever After by A.H. Gilreath
- The Foolish Dictionary by Gideon Wurdz
- The Frogs by Aristophanes
- The Girl in Green by J.D. Ray
- The Good Student by mooderino
- The Guide to Moral Living in Examples by Greg X. Graves
- The Handbook of Conundrums by Edith B. Ordway
- The Humbug Bistro by Heather Spoonheim
- The Impossible Man by H-M Brown
- The Inventions of the Idiot by John Kendrick Bangs
- The Kingdoms of Evil by Daniel M. Bensen
- The Knights by Aristophanes
- The Last Skull by Robert C. Rodgers
- The Lighthouse Chronicles by Frances Gonzalez
- The Local Heroes by Al Bruno III
- The Lone Argonaut by Kodi Arfer
- The Mind of Astra by Bridgett Kay
- The Nick of Time (and other abrasions) by Al Bruno III
- The Night Blogger: A Season In Hell by Al Bruno III
- The Night Blogger: Slim To None by Al Bruno III
- The Night Blogger: The Graveyard Game And Other Cemetery Plots by Al Bruno III
- The Other Kind of Roommate by Tartra
- The Perfect Defective by Clark Casey
- The Plot to End All Plots by Craig Borysowich & Kevin Amery (100 chapters)
- The Quest of Sir Cadagon by The Naive Student
- The Red Door by Jaskaran Singh
- The Secret Mathematic by Cheeseburger Brown
- The Slush Pile by Hal Matthews
- The Smell Collector by David Hill Burns (55 chapters)
- The Strange by Patrick Lewis
- The Tenant by Josh Specht
- The Thesmophoriazusae by Aristophanes
- The Third Person by Stephanie Newell
- The War Golem by J.A. Giunta
- The Wasps by Aristophanes
- The Wedding Plan by Daisy Smith
- The Westwich Writers Club by Trevor Belshaw
- The Whisper of the Nightingale by SnowyFeffe
- The Zombie Knight Saga by George M. Frost
- Theatrica by Joe Cooper (60 chapters)
- There Are No Heroes by yinyangorwuji
- Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome
- Tired of Death by Neil Hartley
- Toadmila Wartly by Diana Parparita
- Toxic by A.M. Schilling
- Train Wreck: The Wrath of Mom by jeanne
- Uncomfortable Silences by Marcus Taylor
- Undercover criminals by Cleo
- Unsong by Scott Alexander
- Up in Space by A. A. Roi
- Urban Gorillas by Jennifer Diane Reitz and Sandra Woodruff
- Vasa and Ypres: A Mayfair Conundrum by Vasa and Ypres
- Wanderlust by Dugan McShain
- When the Deep Purple Falls by E.A. Aymar
- Who Is Anthony Stephens?: A Mystery Blovel by Patrick Anderson Jr.
- Wish Fulfilment by Gregory Taylor
- With Drawn by The Keeper
- Wolf, Owl, & Black Apple by BlakeLocked
- World Domination in Retrospect by Psycho Gecko
- Worris Smelton by D.D.
- Would You Like Fries With That? by M.T. Heil
- Writing Wrongly – The Middle … by Thomas Corfield
- YakuTaku by GeneralPhone
- Yeoman by Nikhil Cheerla
- Yes, Your Highness by Oniwasabi
- Zombie Authority by Chris Rowson
- Zombie Glasses by Nimja

Laughter is the best medicine.
It reduces stress, releases feel-good brain chemicals, which also relieve pain.
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So how’s the humor meter on this one? Cold, hot, lukewarm, just nice? Well we do really hope you enjoyed the list above, 259 is indeed a lot to digest in one sitting, so take your time to browse all of them at your own pace. Leave the author your feedback and comments, email them, send them a tweet, buy their paperbacks – whatever you do, please do support these authors, without them, there’ll be no stories and books in the world we live today. As usual, don’t stop reading, and definitely don’t stop writing, stay tuned for more compilations like this from us and don’t forget to check out our Youtube channel from the link below. Bookmark us, follow us from our various social media accounts.
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