25 Wonderful Sites With Short Form Fiction & Non-Fiction

The rise for demand for short form stories and ebooks have been increasing a lot lately. Treat them as comfort-reads for those who read while travelling to and from work, snuggling into their pillow just before bed or relaxing in a coffee shop in their lunch breaks. A quick run-away from the real world to a short fantasy world where you can temporarily stop focusing on everyday errands and work related things.
Novels are still popular definitely, but it’s always good to see that short form fiction is on the rise. Imagine this as a novel without the long fillers and extra details. Depending on how much free time and attentian span you have, this short length stories do appeal to people with fast paced lifestyles, which allow them to digest various actions and adventures in just a few pages.
Looking for websites that you can check on a frequent basis and read short form fiction? This list is just for you. You’ll find stories which are as long as a couple of thousand words to as short as six words. If we’ve missed out anything, feel free to leave your comments below.
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TOR Fiction
Original fiction (Science Fiction & Fantasy), comics, poetry, and reprinted stories published on Tor.com
Trigger Warning
A monthly collections of short stories with spot illustrations printed on the cheapest newsprint available. But maybe a little more R-rated.
SCP Foundation
The SCP Foundation is a fictional organization that is the subject of a web-based collaborative writing project.
Selected Shorts
A weekly public radio show broadcast, covering fiction, classic, sometimes new, performed by great actors from stage, screen and television.
Fewer Than 500
An online literary journal dedicated to the form of short, short fiction and creative non-fiction. Well-written stories that are fewer than 500 words.
Long Form
New and classic non-fiction from around the web. Longform publishes pieces over 2,000 words that are freely available online.
Long Reads
Helping people find and share the best storytelling in the world. Features nonfiction and fiction over 1,500 words, and stories from their community’s recommendations.
Espresso Stories
Complete stories that take no longer to read than an espresso takes to slurp. The most basic rule is that they’re just a sentence or two, totalling 25 words or less.
One Sentence
This is about telling the most interesting or poignant story possible in the fewest number of words. You may submit your own stories.
Six Word Stories
A collection of short short stories consisting of just six words. It was inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s famous challenge and first six word story.
Fiction Press
Home to over 1.2 million original works of fiction and poetry with a great community. You can submit your own stories.
Short Stories
Available in 9 genres and browse through the library by genre, title, author or keyword. Stories can be read online, printed or downloaded.
Story Bytes
Story Bytes’ very short stories offer a glimpse through this window into brief vignettes of life, often reflecting or revealing those things which make us human.
100 Words
A site that encourages writers to write 100 words a day, every day for 1 month. All the stories can be accessed from the site. You may submit your own stories.
Fan Story
Share your stories and poems and you will get detailed feedback. You may submit your own poems & stories.
Classic Short Stories
Dedicated to the short story and to those interested in reading light prose and reading this delightful art form. Sort stories by title or author.
Backhand Stories
A creative writing blog that published short stories, flash fiction, non-fiction & essays by new and unpublished writers. You may submit your own stories.
Fifty-Two Stories
New short fiction, every week. The words you know and love, in a totally different order. Social engineering through the regular administration of short fiction, launched by Harper Perennial.
One Story Inc
An award-winning, not-for-profit literary publisher committed to supporting the art form of the short story and the authors who write them.
Five Chapters
Publishes a short story in five parts each week since October 2006. New story begins every Monday, serial-style, with a new installment on each weekday.
50-Word Stories
A piece of fiction written in exactly 50 words that are built around twists or climactic moments. Posts two reader-submitted stories every weekday.
Two Sentence Stories
Big stories told in 2 little sentences. Mathew from Australia operates this site and accepts submissions.
Plough Short Stories
Selection of short stories for every age and occasion. 23 stories to explore with illustrations.
Reddit Writing Prompts
A subreddit dedicated to inspiring people to write! Find a prompt that moves you and respond with a story or a poem.
Reddit NoSleep
NoSleep is a place for authors to share their original horror stories. Stories may be true or not (but they are almost never true).
GetFreeEbooks’ Short Stories
Or just browse our Short Story collections we’ve curated throughout these years. Feel free to use the search feature if you must.