20+ Free Electrical Ebooks

Electrical based ebooks are in great demand these days. However if you search hard enough, there’s a lot of freely available online resources out there which you can take advantage of. Here are a few (do leave your comments if you know of others):-
* Note: Some of the PDF’s listed down here might be too big in size to be viewed directly from your browser. Unless you have a very fast connection or just want to take a peek or view it briefly, I’d suggest right clicking and saving it straight to your computer for each of the ebooks under the PDF category.
- Electrical Facilities Safety (PDF)
- Electronics Tutorials (HTML)
- Op Amp Circuit Collection (PDF)
- Digital Logic basics (HTML)
- 555 timer circuits (HTML)
- Handbook of operational amplifier applications (PDF)
- Electromagnetic Fields and Energy (free college textbook online) (HTML)
- Classical Electromagnetism by Richard Fitzpatrick (HTML)
- Directory of Ebooks by Pacontrol.com – 54 ebooks (PDF)
- Electrical Science (PDF)
- Lazar’s power electronics guide (HTML & PDF)
- Electric Motor Controls Tutorials (PDF)
- gerbv – A Free/Open Source Gerber Viewer (Software)
- PCB – interactive printed circuit board editor for the X11 window system (Software)
- Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation (PDF)
- Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs (PDF) – 11MB
- More PLC stuffs – Basics, Glossary, Laws (PDF)
- Process Control Fundamentals (PDF)
- Ebooks from Texas Instruments (Source: SMPS.US)
- Introduction and Basic Magnetics (PDF)
- Magnetic Core Characteristics (PDF)
- Windings data (PDF)
- Power supply transformer design (PDF)
- Inductor and Flyback Transformer Design (PDF)
- For the remaining 7 ebooks (click here and scroll down under “Unitrode seminar magnetics handbook”
- Lessons In Electric Circuits (Posted before, but worth re-mentioning) – HTML & PDF
Other resources (News / Blogs)
Links are working at time of posting. Do leave your comments if there are any broken links or you have any other resources that you wish to recommend.