150 Student Writing Prompts For Blogs, Digital Portfolios, Or Websites

If your students have their own blog, digital portfolio, or website, you may have found that their enthusiasm for writing was initially high. Students typically can’t wait to unleash their creativity and publish on their own online space, often for an authentic audience. Sometimes when the initial excitement wears off, students start facing “bloggers’ block” or get in a rut of writing the same style of post over and over.
Our interesting collecting of writing prompts will help your students maintain momentum with their blog, website, or digital portfolio. The prompts allow your students to explore various genres, tools, and mediums. If you have students who are reluctant writers or perhaps you’re just looking for fresh and authentic ideas to get your students publishing, you’re in the right place.
Scroll down to dive straight into the 150 prompts, or read on to find out more about the types of posts you could see on a blog, personal website, or digital portfolio.