40 Free Web Comics

40 Free Web Comics
Today, we have 40 free web comics for you to ponder upon. To those comic fans out there, I’m sure these will keep you busy for a long time, assuming you haven’t heard of these titles. From sci-fi to horror comics, we hope you enjoy this compilation. If you like this, share it with your friends, and don’t forget to visit our Facebook page.
Chris Crosby
The comic focuses on the adventure-filled life of an idiot who wears a cape for no apparent reason (Chris), his perpetually angry teenage brother (Bobby), a sentient board (Boardy), and their friends. The Sunday comic usually focuses on the fantastical imaginations of Chris’s pets, Giz (a dog) and Mask (a cat).
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Pon And Zi
Jeff Thomas and Azuzephre
Pon and Zi are two cute little emo cartoon characters created by Azuzephre. This is the biggest and best UNOFFICIAL collection of Pon and Zi cartoons on the web.
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Pon And Zi
The Reset Button
George Gant
A comic about love, romance, the seasons…well not really. It’s a comic about the crazy stuff that goes on the the world of video games.
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The Reset Button
Faulty Logic
Fox Bruner and Jalyss Barclay
The strip features a series of non-related strips, contain satirical humor. Much of what is written is based on Fox and Jalyss’s own lives. The authors (and stars) of the strip alternate writing each comic, resulting in alternating styles of humour and dialogue. The archive also features a handful of video comics which Fox and Jalyss Narrate themselves.
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Faulty Logic
Exploding Dog
Sam Brown
ExplodingDog is the name of an internet web site run by Sam Brown, pseudonym of Adam Culbert. Viewers of the site e-mail Brown short phrases for inspiration and he picks certain ones to illustrate. The drawings are usually drawn on computer and are known for their simplistic style, and their poignant and sometimes unexpected take on the phrases on which they are based.
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Exploding Dog
Frozen Reality
The personal website of the person known as Lem.
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Frozen Reality
Huw Davies
A webcomic based almost entirely on chaos and tea.
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David Stanworth
Snafu Comics is a webcomics site maintained by David Stanworth, an American known online as ‘SnafuDave’. It serves as the home of several comics, including Stanworth’s own creations, as well as those of other artists.
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Randall Munroe
A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.
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The Perry Bible Fellowship
Nicholas Gurewitch
The Perry Bible Fellowship (or PBF) is a newspaper comic strip and webcomic by Nicholas Gurewitch. It originated in the Syracuse University newspaper The Daily Orange. The comics are usually three or four panels long, and are generally characterized by the juxtaposition of whimsical childlike imagery or fantasy with morbid, sudden or unexpected surreal humor. Common subjects include irony, religion, sexuality, war, science fiction, suicide, violence, and death.
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The Perry Bible Fellowship
Gone With The Blastwave
Kimmo Lemetti
This comic follows the activities of two soldiers, a sniper and a flamethrower operator of the Red Army. They are fighting in a post-nuclear warzone against soldiers of the the Yellow Army and the Blue Army. The Green Army also existed, but was annihilated early in the duration of the war.
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Gone With The Blastwave
Station V3
Tom Truszkowski
Station V3 is a rest stop and refueling station in a system where few people visit and fewer people need to rest or refuel.
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Station V3
Cyanide & Happiness
Matt, Rob, Dave and Kris
Cyanide and Happiness is a webcomic hosted on Explosm.net and written by four authors with occasional contributions from guests. The current name ‘Cyanide and Happiness’ comes from a strip in which one character is selling cotton candy made of cyanide and happiness.
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Cyanide & Happiness
Tom Dell’Aringa
Captain John and his robot Asimov are out of fuel, food and patience with each other. They must survive on Mars where the greatest dangers are stupidity, sarcasm and the lack of good food. Twice Weekly Sci-Fi Space Opera Comic.
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Kris Straub
Starslip Crisis was first set in the 3440s, aboard the starship IDS Fuseli, named after painter Henry Fuseli. The Fuseli was a former luxury warship which has been converted into a starship museum. It is still capable of military activities. The Fuseli travelled from system to system with its exhibits (using a faster than light ‘starslip drive’), the comic chronicling the adventures of the crew.
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Least I Could Do
Ryan Sohmer and Lar Desouza
Least I Could Do (LICD) is a humor webcomic by Ryan Sohmer and Lar deSouza (also the creators of the fantasy webcomic Looking for Group), which debuted on February 10, 2003. The primary theme of the strip is sexuality, especially the promiscuity of the primary character, Rayne Summers.
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Least I Could Do
Player VS Player
Scott R. Kurtz
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Player VS Player
Legend of Bill
David Reddick
Every Monday & Thursday
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Legend of Bill
Escape From Terra
Sandy Sandfort, Scott Bieser, Leila Del Duca and Lee Oaks
Updated with new pages every Monday through Friday.
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Escape From Terra
No one is ever truly lost. Updated twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays. Rated PG13.
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A Sci-Fi comic, updates weekly.
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3 Witches
JT Blevins
Once, long ago, there lived 3 witches in the town of Witchville. Their names were Gruel, Betsy, and Tartella. Upon finding out that there is another world, a modern world full of people who don’t use magic, they do wha
only a witch can do: they cook up a spell that will teleport them to the new witch-less world, only temporarily, so that they may find out what a world without magic is like, and to bring back one of the non-magic people for this year’s witchcraft and wizardry contest.
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3 Witches
Tara Tallan
Galaxion is a science fiction adventure and romance, one that feels something like a mix between Star Trek, classic Star Blazers anime, and a Lois McMaster Bujold (Hugo-winning author of the Miles Vorkosigan saga) novel.
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Mumford and Phillby
Turnus is a spiky haired university drop-out, with a weakness for gambling and alcohol and, as such, not the kind of agent we normally employ here at Spec-Ops. However, due to a series of incidents beyond my control (and which are documented in detail in Case File #1), he was brought onboard and trained up to become one of the elite, the few… the poorly paid.
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Ebb’s Children
Tom Truszkowski
Ebb’s Children is a comic strip spin off of Station V3 by Tom Truszkowski that rarely updates. It is about the children of Ebb and Neap, whom are being raised on the space station named K7
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Ebb’s Children
Penny Arcade
Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins
Penny Arcade is a webcomic focused on video games and video game culture.
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Penny Arcade
Starline X Hodge
A coming of age comedy – drama about college art student, Candi, and her roommates.
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Tatsuya Ishida
The Sinfest world revolves around characters living with all the difficulties of modern western life; the main characters, Slick, Monique, and Squigley, have to cope with romance, relationships, and all the problems modern life and the intricacies of human nature can throw at them. But on top of this there’s the added complication of religion tossed into the mix.
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Something Positive
RK Milholland
Something Positive is the story of a few friends – namely Davan, Aubrey, PeeJee, and Jason – and their daily lifes, struggles, and the occasional mass catgirl cataclysm. The story began in Boston in 2001. Since then, it’s expanded to Texas, California, and a few other nightmares along the way.
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Something Positive
Sluggy Freelance
Pete Abrams
While the strip began as a gag-based series in which the three main protagonists (Torg, Riff and Zoë) would stumble from one brief, bizarre, parody-centric adventure to the next, the characters and plotlines have gradually become longer and more serious. However, even the more dramatic and soap operatic story arcs often conform to the common gag comic strip format. While there is often sexual innuendo and cartoon violence, the comic contains little strong profanity and no explicit nudity.
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Sluggy Freelance
College Roomies From Hell!!
Maritza Campos
They’re all freshmen, and they share apartments. They also can’t stand each other!
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College Roomies From Hell!!
Crow Scare
Illustrated by Owen Gieni, Written & Created by Brew Mccloud & Chris Crosby, Color Assist by Vincent Brouard
A new horror graphic novel from the artist and co-creator of LAST BLOOD.
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Crow Scare
Wicked Powered
Illustrated by Owen Gieni, Written & Created by Owen Gieni & Chris Crosby
A full color sci-fi comedy adventure by the creative team of Keenspot’s SORE THUMBS, following the adventures of a laser-wielding all-girl SWAT team sent back in time by Wicked Lasers to stop a time-tossed alien threat from destroying humanity.
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Wicked Powered
Sore Thumbs
Art by Owen Gieni, Script by Chris Crosby, Color Flats by Kaezrer
Political gaming manga humor gone WILD! Webcomic about a crazy brother and sister running a video game shop together.
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Sore Thumbs
Last Blood
Illustrated by Owen Gieni, Written by Bobby Crosby, Created by Bobby Crosby and Chris Crosby
After zombies take over the Earth, vampires must protect the last surviving humans so they can live off their blood.
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Last Blood
Questionable Content
An online comic strip that is ostensibly about romance, indie rock, little robots, and the problems people have.
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Questionable Content
Free Fall
Written by Mark Stanley, Colored by George Peterson
It takes place on a planet called Jean and the main characters are the crew of the Savage Chicken: Sam Starfall, a kleptomaniacal captain, his robot sidekick Helix, and an anthropomorphic Red Wolf engineer, Florence Ambrose.
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Free Fall
Sorcery 101
Kel McDonald, Mia, Andrew, Mel, Shazzbaa
8 comic titles available from this site, a collaborative effort from a group of talented individuals.
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Sorcery 101
Schlock Mercenary
Howard Tayler
It follows the tribulations of a star-travelling mercenary company in a satiric, mildly dystopian 31st-century space opera setting.
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Schlock Mercenary
General Protection Fault
Jeffrey T. Darlington
A bizarre, humorous, and entertaining adventure with little signs of slowing down. Filled with intelligent humor, zany parodies, obscure jabs, and sentient slime molds, GPF is one of the most unique comic strips on the Web.
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General Protection Fault